Chapter 12

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Edited ✔️

Aiden looked at his watch and jumped out of the bed, remembering Edwin had told him to go to Chad's at 11. He was late already, too caught up in the board game he was playing with Vincent, which was ridiculous for a workaholic like him!

Upon arriving at the doctor's office, he knocked and went inside, assuming the man wasn't even there yet cos, let's be honest, Chad was always late! But to his surprise, not only the doctor was there, but so was Edwin and some other guy he didn't know. He made his way to the armchair and let himself sink into it. He observed the guy from head to toe intensely, pulling his intimidating gaze. Tilting his head, he asked, "And who might you be?"

"I'm Luis, your new manager."

"What happened to my old manager?"

"He got tired of your ass."

"He never got my ass in the first place." Aiden winked at this Luis guy. He was small, but he sure as hell had a scary gaze to him.

The new manager sighed, going through some papers. "I see you are just like I heard."

"What did you hear?" Aiden asked enthusiastically.

"Sure you wanna know?" Luis raised an eyebrow. Aiden nodded in response, and Luis smirked.

"Angle-faced asshole. That's the nickname they gave you. I'll skip the details, as we don't have much time."

"Ouch!" Aiden laughed and waited for the guy to continue.

"Your previous manager was actually fired for not being careful enough." Luis put some pictures in front of him. It was of him in the visiting room of the hospital.

Aiden picked one up, suddenly panicking. "Have these been published?" That would be terrible. He'd be worrying millions of his fans if the word got out. Then there would be the press, never letting go of the matter. One wrong step and he'd be accused of being psychotic in every fucking article across the globe. It could bring so many new threats and headaches his way. He wasn't strong enough to deal with a new wave of endless drama at the moment.

"Fortunately, no. The agency took action just in time. I arranged things with Dr. Kim. You can have visitors in one of the rooms privately from now on. We don't want the public to know you're in a psychiatric hospital."

Aiden was tugging at his hair continuously and tapping his foot on the ground. Chad was observing it all without interrupting.

Luis gathered the photos, putting them back in the folder. "Have you written anything new?"

Aiden's movements stopped altogether. Mouth open and a deep frown, he stared at the manager for seconds. The question took time to register fully in his brain. Music. He was being asked if he'd made any new music. Yes, music was what he had to focus on. Always. It was the only way to survive.

"Aiden?" Luis called his name, making him come back to reality.

"Hm? I— I've written some stuff, but they're all plain shit."

"Can I have a look?"

Aiden was hesitant, yet he knew he had no choice but to show them to his new manager. "Wait here. I'll go get the notebook."

"You write on paper? Old school!"

"I love the old days better, okay? Do you wanna see them or not?"


Aiden quickly went to his room, found the notebook under a pile of shirts and pants, and ran back.

"How out of shape are you to be panting like this after running like 10 meters?" Luis teased him.

"I'm given some shitty ass drugs, or as they call it 'medicine' every single fucking day and those make me sleep most of the time. Don't question my body or we won't get along." Aiden warned him seriously.

"Fine, calm your muscular titties." Luis scoffed and focused on the content of the notebook. Reading through the pages concentrated, he looked up straight at Aiden with sparkling eyes. The singer looked at him questionably.

"They told me you're a genius, but I didn't expect THIS!" Luis gestured toward the notebook.

"They sure talk a lot of things behind my back!" He sat up in the armchair. "But what are you even talking about? Those are not good. At all."

"Shut up they're great. This is a whole ass billboard chart worthy album here."

Aiden rested his head on his palm. "Whatever man. You can have it all. It's not like I'll be making any songs anytime soon." He sighed. He missed being on stage, really.

"What are you even on about! You have your laptop, right? I'm gonna need you to start working on some songs from now on. You're gonna be back at the studio as soon as you're discharged, which is in 2 months." Luis showed him a page. "And make sure to come up with a killing melody for this one. I want this to be on the next album."

Aiden ripped the notebook out of Luis's hand, angry at the guy as to why he insisted on the shit on these papers being album worthy. Luis looked at him with a soft expression all of a sudden. It was like he was a totally different person now.

"Aiden, I know you can do this. You're a genius when it comes to music. You're a genius in general, actually. I was a fan of yours from the beginning. Believe in yourself and let's make a hit album. We will even work on the choreographies together."

"Thanks." Aiden giggled, starting to like this two-sided guy. "You can dance?"

"I was a dancer for many years. Went by the name 'Crazy Moon'."

Aiden's eyes widened in shock. "Hold the fuck up!" He almost shouted. "You are crazy moon? THE Crazy Moon? How?! Why?!"

Luis laughed shyly, "Yeah.... long story. So anyway, get to work, okay? I have to go now." He shook Aiden's hand while the other was still obviously in shock, then thanked the 2 doctors and left. Aiden didn't move from his seat. Edwin came and sat across from him where Luis had sat.

"How can that legend end up being a manager, though?" Edwin asked Aiden, who was taken aback yet once again.

"You know him?"

"Of course, I know him! He is Mr. Moon! The greatest B-Boy of his time!"

Aiden wanted to say something but didn't. He just picked the notebook up and ran outside the office. He needed to get to his laptop ASAP. Crazy Moon was now his manager, and he did not intend to let the guy down. Not in a million years. He was one of the dancers Aiden always looked up to and even covered so many choreographies of. Now he felt stupid because of not recognizing him.

In the office, Chad only said one sentence to Edwin about this whole situation: "Our celebrity friend really loves his job." 

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