Chapter 54

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When Edwin woke up, Aiden wasn't in bed. Panicking that he must have left already with how silent the apartment was, he jumped up and walked fast to check the living room. There Aiden was, sitting on a chair by the kitchen counter, his arms flat on it and his head laying on them. By him were a glass of water and the pills he took when his stomach flu bothered him.

Edwin frowned and pressed his lips together. Walking slowly not to make any noise, he got closer to the man.

"Aiden." He called quietly. Nothing.

"Aideeen~" This time he received a weak hum.

"Why are you sleeping here? Let's go back to bed." He took the older's bicep to help him stand. Aiden was cold. Unusually so.

"Are you sick? Does it hurt anywhere?" He checked his forehead, and it was sweaty but ice cold.

"I'm fine." Aiden said without even looking at him and pulled his hands off of him gently. The older walked back to the bedroom with the help of the walls himself and got to the bed and under the blanket, still visibly shaking and slightly sweating.

Walking out of the bedroom after checking on Aiden, Edwin grabbed his jacket and phone and went out. He wanted to call Luis to ask what the hell was going on and why Aiden was in such condition, but he didn't want the older to know about it.

"Luis, hi."

"Hey. What's up?"

"Do you know what's wrong with Aiden?"

"Uh... what do you mean?"

"He looks horrible, and he's so cold and shivering."

Luis didn't reply right away. He cleared his throat after a couple of seconds. "Edwin, give him some time. He had it rough the past week. He'll be alright."

"But what happened? Why is he like this?"

"He... I think you should ask him that. Later, though. He's extremely moody now."

After a very awkward conversation that did Edwin no good and only made him more confused, he entered the apartment again. He wanted to wake him up and ask him why the hell he was like that, but he knew it's better to let him rest. Looking at his watch, it was time for him to leave. He had to practice for the show, so he called Max. He told him that Aiden was sick, but he had to leave and asked him to come there to take care of the older while he was gone. 20 minutes later, a worried Max arrived.

"Is it a cold or?"

"I don't know, actually. He didn't talk to me. He's just freezing, so I need you to just be here in case his temperature lowers because that can cause the body to go into a shock."

"Don't worry. I'll look after him. Off you go now."

When Edwin left, Max walked into the bedroom and sat on the floor by his brother.

"You idiot." He sighed, brushed Aiden's hair out of his face and just sat there looking at the older who had a deep frown on his face while shivering still, although he had three blankets on him.

A couple of hours later, he woke up, and he was a bit better. He wasn't shivering anymore and his body wasn't as cold, but still not like normal.


"What are you doing here?" He asked while rubbing his eye and looking around. "Where's Ed?"

Max raised an eyebrow. "He had to practice."

"Hm, he should've woken me up. We could eat breakfast together." He said while sitting up. "Why are there this many blankets on me?!"

Max was kind of panicking at that moment cos he had seen it all before. Aiden being cold as fuck and shivering and doing things he, later on, couldn't remember at all.

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