Chapter 62

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Edwin knew Aiden had a fighter's spirit. From the times they spent at the hospital, the way he fought against his own body's desires and actually got rid of the addiction way sooner than the average do, to overcoming the many hardships of his career, he kinda worshiped the man for his strong personality. But that didn't mean he couldn't break from time to time, too.

Aiden had so many walls and Edwin had been unable to break down and pass through many of them yet. The last heart-to-heart conversation they had was way back before they even really got together. That time when he'd last seen Aiden's mother. The only time he had seen Aiden's mother.

That morning, when Mia, the nurse, told him about his boyfriend having had a psychotic episode, all he could do was think and re-think about the possible triggers. But he was at a loss. He had made a vow to himself to help Aiden get rid of all his baggage, but yet here he was, 7 months later and still the older hadn't let him through. No one could get through to him unless he himself wanted them to.

"They've found the maniac."

Aiden had said it with so much anger and disgust in his voice before looking at him dead in the eye for a few seconds, actually demanding Mia to keep Edwin's company, and then he had left. Had Edwin not been under the influence of the medicine he had just gotten, he would follow the older, but he had already started getting dizzy. All he could do was call Brad and ask him to please prevent the hotheaded man from doing anything he'd regret later.

"Why don't you sleep some while he's not here?" Mia didn't leave his side a single second after they came back from taking the MRI, said her shift was over. Edwin kept staring out of the window next to his bed, waiting to see Aiden's car. No one had called him to fill him in on what was going on. Neither did they pick his calls up.

"I'm too worried."

"He's a big man. He can take care of himself. Besides, they're at a police station." She tried to calm him.

Edwin turned his head and looked into the girl's big eyes sweetly, a small smile on his lips. "Him getting physically hurt isn't the only thing I'm worried about. Although the guy was really... powerful and crazy and just..." He sighed, chewing on his cheek. "There are so many things that could affect his job, you have no idea. One wrong move and his career could be ruined for good. He has already made his bosses angry at him for canceling everything. I don't want him to get into any trouble because of me." He nearly whispered the last sentence, afraid to hear it out loud himself. Mia reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing it.

"Hey, it's not your fault. If anything, you made the guy show himself and how much of a threat he is to Aiden. They even got him on camera, so now they'll handle things legally. You're hurt, but in some way, it happened for the best." That kinda made sense to him, so he squeezed Mia's hand back and turned to look out of the window again.

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6 PM. Still no sign of his boyfriend.

"Edwin, your MRI is all good. You can go home, but you should be careful not to put any kind of pressure on your ribs for at least three weeks." The doctor said.

"Will I be able to dance?"

"Rest for two weeks, then start slowly. Any kind of pain and you should stop immediately."

"Alright. Thank you, doctor."

"Oh and... take it easy in sex for a while. It's not a serious injury but put any kind of pressure on the ribs and they might crack and get worse so just be careful."

Edwin blushed and nodded silently.

The moment the doctor walked out, Max came in, walking slowly to the bed where Edwin was. "Hey, bro."

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