Chapter 11

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Edited ✔️

Edwin was a bit late today as he spent the last night watching some old family clips and getting drunk after a long time. He had taken a hangover relief pill, but the buzzing headache hadn't budged. As he made his way to the hospital's entrance, he saw Kurt getting out of his sister's car. Natasha, Kurt's sister, got out too after noticing Edwin. She waved Kurt off while holding him back. When the older entered the building, Natasha turned to him.

"Eddie, we should get him out of the hospital. Everything's a mess at the company. We need him."

"But he should complete his treatment first or he'll end up the same after a short time. Besides, your brother is back at the company, right?"

"He is, but none of us are as good as Kurt. From what I've seen these past few days, he's doing really good." She seemed to be hesitant for a few seconds. "You know, don't get me wrong, but I think he's only staying here for Lili."

Edwin lowered his head, looking at his feet. "I know." He looked at Natasha. "I'll talk to Dr. Kim and Kurt. I really want him back in the outside world as well."

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Edwin made his way to his office and changed into the white doctor gown he never understood why he had to wear since he wasn't a surgeon or anything. It even got stuck at the sleeve and annoyed him even more. He was just not in a good mood today, you could say.

Grabbing 2 mugs of hot chocolate, he headed to Lili's room only to find Kurt sitting a few meters away from the door on a stair.

"Why are you sitting here?" Edwin asked.

"Did something happen between Lili and Aiden while I was out?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"Go take a look inside." Kurt said and stood up, walking past him and down the stairs. Edwin watched him leave and then looked at the closed door, not knowing what he was on about. He opened the door with his elbow and looked toward Lili's bed. She was lying there peacefully. Everything was normal, so what gave the idea to Kurt? He turned to the other side to put the mugs on a table when his eyes caught a figure sleeping on the couch; Aiden.

He didn't know what to do. He decided to let them be and left the room, bringing the mugs with him. He saw Kurt in the hall on his way back to his office. Edwin paused beside the older and handed him the hot chocolate.

"They've been hanging out in the yard at night, but I don't think anything else has happened between them. Even now, he was sleeping on the couch. You know Lili would never let anyone get close that much."

Kurt seemed in thought. After a while, he said, "Yeah, but have you seen her opening up so much to someone so soon before? It's like she feels just as comfortable around him as with us." Kurt sighed. "Not that I'm protesting against it. I want her to open up, but I don't know the guy, you know? I don't want her to get hurt in any way."

Edwin smiled. Once again, Kurt had shown him the reason why he loved this man wholeheartedly. "I'll keep an eye on them. You need to focus on your own dish right now." Edwin looked closely at the guy next to him. "Natasha told me they really need you at the company."

Kurt hummed.

"How much longer are you planning on staying here? I lied to her saying your treatment isn't over yet, but I doubt she bought it. You know you've been here longer than needed."

"I can't leave her. I'll go insane if anything happens to her again."

"Well, you were gone for a week and she pulled through. She needs to get out too, and maybe your moving out helps her get the courage as well. You know how attached she is to you."

Kurt sighed again, this time a deeper one. "I don't know, Edwin. The company is a real mess. My brother and Brian are doing their best, but it's not enough. And then there's me. I'm afraid of facing all the pressure again. What if I screw everything up like the last time? You know, I still remember the time Brian called to tell me they have filed a court case against the company and we had to stop the whole product line for a while. It was 4:44 AM, and I didn't even know whether it was a dream or reality." Kurt paused shortly. "And then there's you and your sister worrying the shit out of me."

"What have I done to worry you!!" Edwin said, shocked.

"You basically live like a robot who travels between this place and your tiny apartment. Do you even talk to anyone who is not under the influence of Celexa?"

"I'm talking to you so that's gotta count as something!" Edwin winked.

"Oh my little child. You'll never find love like this. And life is nothing without love. Even if you can't have the person completely to yourself."

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After knocking 2 times in a row and hearing the permission, Edwin entered Chad's office.

"Oh Edwin, I was just about to call you in." The doctor smiled at him. Edwin returned the smile and stood across the table. "Is Kurt back yet?"

"Yeah, he just came back this morning."

"Good. Edwin, I'm thinking about kicking him out of here. It's been too long and I can't make up excuses for the upper hands anymore. They want free spots for new patients."

"But we have empty rooms!"

"We do, but you know these people. No matter how much we sincerely care about our patients here, they just want the money. Did you know I had to literally fight them not to publish an article about Aiden being here?"

"Why would they want to do something like that?!"

"Because the public's attention would be drawn to the hospital! And that means more money for them!"

Edwin sighed. He hated the owners of this building.

"Anyhow, Kurt is really fine and his treatment has been over for a while now. I think it's only best if he gets out into the world again. What do you think?"

"I think the same. Actually, I was just talking to him about this. He said he's scared of failing again and, well, because of Lili."

Chad hummed. "I'll have a talk with him later. Let's hope he agrees easily. He's scary when he doesn't wanna do something." He laughed shortly.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Would you tell Aiden to come to my office at 11, please? Someone's coming to meet him."

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