Chapter 5

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Edited ✔️

'No one understands the intensity of the black dog's company unless they've experienced it themselves at some point. I can't tell anyone that I cried for an hour today because there was a lizard in my house, and I was alone, so I stood there looking in its direction, unable to move because I could neither kill it nor ignore it. The crying wasn't even because of the creature. It was because suddenly, I felt alone. And the lizard was like a symbol for all the problems I had and had to deal with, with no source of help. I wanted to kill myself at that moment. The reason for my suicide? A lizard in the room's corner!

Fortunately, it hid so I could pretend it wasn't there in the first place and moved everything I needed to my bed, hoping it wouldn't be able to climb up. The art of pretending that I've mastered became handy at last. Why pretend, you ask? Because it's easier to deal with life that way. The irony is, I hate pretenders. Maybe that's why I Hate Myself?'

Aiden closed the book with the sound of the doorknob.

"Oh Aiden, have you been waiting for long?"

"It's okay doc, I've gotten used to you being late all the time."

Chad chuckled and fixed his glasses.

"Nice glasses, by the way." Aiden spread his legs and shrunk deeper in the armchair, getting comfier.

"Thanks, honestly you're the only one who noticed."

"Is that so? Well then shows how much sanity I have and it implies I'm okay enough so you can let me go already." He said in a worn-out voice. He'd been feeling down without knowing the reason all day.

"Nice try, but we don't want you to feel 'okay enough'. We want you to feel great. And free of drugs. Speaking of, you've been doing very well for the past week."

"I don't want Lucas on my ass, so I choose to behave and take what he gives me. The dude can be scary." Aiden laughed at his own nonsense. It wasn't because of the poor nurse. He went along with their plan in hopes of being discharged sooner. The sooner the better.

Chad looked at him closely, observing his expression, and hummed. He looked down at his folder and then looked at his watch. "You have visitors today. Go see them and we'll talk later again."

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Honestly Chad! I never get the point of our talks. You never seem to ask any important shit. Just a quick conversation and then you get rid of me as soon as possible."

"I get all the information I need in that short time tho."

"Yeah? Well then, what did you find out from this 5-minute session I waited 15 minutes for?" He started playing with the cover of the book in his hands.

The doctor looked at him for a moment, his gaze soft but firm.

"I wanted to know the reason for you being a good boy, unlike your reputation in this folder I'm holding."

"Good boy? That's kinky, doc. And did you find out anything?"

Chad laughed. "Of course I did. But let me tell you something. Acting as if you're doing good won't result in me discharging you earlier than the due date." The man started going through the pile of documents on his desk. "That's all for today. You can go now."

Aiden blinked a couple of times, kind of shocked, before leaving the office.

Aiden was about to enter his shared room when he heard his roommates talking. He decided to wait for their conversation to end before going inside.

"Please? I don't wanna see them but I miss Angel so much. Can't you just bring her up here?" Vincent was begging Kurt at this point.

"I said no, Vin. You should face them sometime. If you miss Angel so much, just go and see her for yourself."

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