Chapter 53

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Edwin woke up the next day, thinking Aiden must have arrived already, so he unlocked his phone to see if he had any notifications. There were no messages from Aiden for him, but there was one in the group chat. It was sent at 3:30 AM and it was still pretty early, so no one else had seen it yet.

Aiden: I'm gonna turn off my phone for a few days. Don't worry. Everything's fine.

That was the only message he had sent. Something wasn't right. Why wouldn't he tell them what exactly was up and why would he turn his phone off? Deciding to try his luck, he dialed the other's number, but it was indeed out of service. So he called Luis, and that was when it got weirder. Luis's phone was also turned off. He was starting to panic. Like, why would they just shut everyone down like that and disappear?

He decided to go through his feed. Maybe the fanpages had some info cos the fans always seemed to know everything, but to his surprise, they also were panicking. Apparently, Aiden hadn't arrived at the airport when they had expected him to, and there were no signs of where he had actually gone instead. They only knew that he was seen at the airport the night before. Edwin remembered Aiden saying something about Jakarta, but he had said nothing further. A few minutes later, he heard a notification, and he jumped on his phone, hoping it was Aiden.


Max: wtf? His phone is really off.

Edwin: Luis's phone is off as well.

Finn: Joe, do you know anything? Can you ask the guys at the company if they have any info?

Joe: Already have. No one knows where those two are. The rest of the team came back this morning. They said Luis told them they had a private thing to attend to but didn't say where.

Brad: He did mention Jakarta though. Maybe that's where they are.

Finn: Where's Ian when we need his hacking and finding skills?

Joe: He went on a business trip last night.

Finn: Where to? I need some ingredients he could buy me. Why didn't he tell me he was going abroad!!

Joe: Jakarta

Brad: What the-

Max: Something's fishy.

Joe: Huh?!

Max: The fact that they both went to Jakarta?!

Finn: Maybe they're together then? Something related to programming and the company's shit?

Brad: Luis wouldn't go with him if it was that. It should be only coincidental.

Guys relax. He said he's fine so let's just wait and see.

Edwin, you there?

Edwin: Yeah

Brad: off to work kids. See you in a bit, Ed.


Edwin was never really the jealous type. Or it was what he thought. The fact that there was a small chance of them both being at one place at the exact time didn't sit well with him. He just wanted Aiden back in his arms ASAP.

"You're dead when you come back." He whispered to himself, looking at one of Aiden's photos.

DeleteCreated with Sketch.

4 days later, having spent them in absolute worry, Aiden called him. It was way too early in the morning and he wouldn't have woken up if he wasn't sleeping alarmed in case the older texted. He would jump with every notification, so basically he hadn't slept well these past few days.

"Hello?" He shouted into the phone as soon as he picked up.

"Eddie~ Did I wake you up?" His voice sounded really, really fatigued.

"It doesn't even matter! Where are you?" He was both happy and angry at the same time.

"I'm on the plane to head back in half an hour. There's this program I have to record first thing when I get there. I'll come to you right after that, okay?"

"O...kay, but you have some serious explaining to do. I was worried sick! I still am. Are you even okay?"

"I'm fine. Really. Could you tell the guys that I'm okay as well? There are so many messages but I'm too tired to reply."

"I will. Aiden?"


"You're really okay, right?"

"Yeah. I am."

"Okay then. Get some rest while you can. See you soon."



Edwin: Hey guys. Aiden called. He's on his way back. He asked me to tell you he's okay.

Ian: Hellooooo bitches!

Oh yeah, we're on the same plane. He fell asleep right after he hung up on you.

Joe: Babeeee, when will you arrive? I miss youuuu~~~

Max: 1. Ewwwwww get a room. 2. Why are you together tho?

Finn: Gathering tonight at Den's then?

Brad: Nah, let him rest for the night. He'll probably be on the verge of dying by the time he's done with his schedules.

Finn: Aw you're right. Then tomorrow?

Brad: Tomorrow it is. I'll bring the drinks.

Edwin: Please. No heavy drinks. He's still not completely recovered.

Max: boyfriend goals.

Joe: Ian and I are eww but those two are goals? Why are you picking favorites? :(

Max: well 1 of them is my brother and the other is my bro's boyfie so of course, they're my favorites.

Joe: I feel BETRAYED?!

Anyway, where did my boyfriend disappear to!!


Edwin left the dance school at 9 PM. He had his phone with him the whole day, but there were no calls from Aiden. He had only texted him, telling him to go to his apartment and wait cos he wasn't sure when he would be done. And so he did.

It was around 11 when the front door opened and a very zombie-looking Aiden came in. He had serious dark circles under his eyes and he was paler than ever. Edwin rushed to the door and took his backpack from him.

Aiden looked up at him and smiled crookedly. "Hi." He said in a breathy voice.

"Hey!" Edwin replied, smiling kindly. "You look horrible!"

Aiden chuckled. "Thanks!"

He took his shoes off and followed the younger inside. When they got to the bedroom, Edwin placed the backpack by the wall and turned to Aiden. The older pulled him in a loose hug slowly with how little energy he had. Edwin felt how Aiden's body was shaking briefly and he was cold.

"Why are you so cold? Let me prepare you a hot bath and something to eat."

"No, I just wanna sleep now. Will you sleep with me?" His voice was shaky and hoarse as well.

They went to bed by Edwin's guide and lay there, cuddling each other with his head on Aiden's chest. It didn't even take a minute for the older to fall asleep. Edwin himself dozed off listening to the calming sound of his boyfriend's heartbeat while trying to push the thoughts he had to the back of his head.

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