Chapter 63

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"You know we can still cancel the whole thing and stay in bed instead, right?" Aiden asked as he back-hugged him, looking at his reflection in the giant mirror.

"He will be really upset and I don't want that. Neither should you. He is your little brother after all." Edwin replied, fixing his tie thoroughly and turning around to do the same for the older.

Aiden's expression hardened as he loosened his hands around him, but still didn't let go. "I know... but I really hate these family gatherings and everyone's gonna be there tonight with their stupid, STUPID questions and then there's our mother, don't even get me started on that, and THEN-" He looked at the younger with eyes that held deep sadness in them as he started caressing Edwin's clothed back up and down. "Then there's you. You're still healing. It's been only six days since your discharge. I don't wanna make your condition worse."

Edwin wanted to get rid of the sadness so badly. It had been there ever since his boyfriend found out about this whole mess and there had been nothing any of them could do. Of course, he denied it, but Edwin was a psychiatrist, he knew better.

"I told you a thousand times, baby. I'm really fine. I can also dance! But well, I have an over-protective boyfriend who is not letting me."

Aiden snorted as he frowned at him and leaned back a bit. "Damn right he won't! Just kiss dancing goodbye for at least two more weeks." He completely let go of him and walked away through the bedroom door as he continued talking at a higher volume. "You know how clumsy you can be. The last thing we need is for you to accidentally trip over your feet and land on your ribs."

"So much for optimism." Edwin whispered under his breath as Aiden walked back into the living room with his car keys and phone in hand. He put them both down on the kitchen counter and poured some red wine into the crystal glass, downing it all in one go.

"Optimism is nothing but a myth. I'm sure you know it by now."

Edwin looked down as he hummed, then back up as the older grabbed the bottle again. He was fast at ripping it out of his hands, and putting it back into the cabin.

"What are you doing?! I'm not gonna drive a half-drunk Aiden, who, by the way, happens to be a sassy prick, to his brother's birthday party!"

Aiden whined and huffed as he hugged him carefully and buried his head in the crook of his neck. "Eddie~ I really don't wanna go. Why don't you let me use you as an excuse? Pretty pleeeease?"

Edwin couldn't help a chuckle. He loved it when the older looked almost several years younger, acting cute. "You can't run from things forever, you know? It's only this one night. Try and bear it for our cute little wolf, hm?"

"That stupid wolf. He can get anything by pulling those puppy eyes out of me. Why can't he be a normal teenager and have a birthday party with his college friends, getting wasted and drugged, having a threesome and shit?"

"Is that what you did? When you were a teenager?" The younger couldn't help the curiosity in his voice.

"I never went to college, remember?"

Edwin leaned back a bit and made Aiden look at him. "Yeah, but did you ever have a threesome?"

Aiden bit his bottom lip. "Let's not bring my past into this. Come on, we're gonna be late." The older let go of him and picked his stuff off of the counter again before walking to the entrance.

"Oh NOW you care about the party! I can't believe you had a threesome!!! Or was it more than once?" Edwin gasped as his eyes widened comically. "OH MY GOD! You didn't have a foursome or more, did you? Oh my god, Aiden!"

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