Chapter 15

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Edited ✔️

"Look what I found! A giant bunny plushie! It looks like you. I'm gonna buy it."

"What do you even want a plushie for?!" Aiden asked while laughing at the enthusiastic person in front of him.

"Someone has to keep me company while you're gone." He frowned, but then hid it behind another wide smile. "I'm gonna name it Dennybunny."

Aiden felt like his heart was in someone's fist, getting smashed. It hurt so much, but there was nothing he could do about it.

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He was currently staring at a little girl's rabbit toy in the hallway. He didn't even know what that little girl was doing there in the middle of a mental hospital. Just yesterday, someone attempted to kill a ghost with a knife. A KNIFE. I mean, salt would be a better choice but a knife?!?! Aiden sighed to himself. Just because of some addiction, he had to be here. Well, it wasn't 'just' for addiction. He did have awful nightmares and breakdowns and he did attempt to end everything, although he told everyone he just miscalculated and they somehow believed it, but still, he felt like he didn't need to be kept in there. He wanted to dance, wanted to be in his studio, eat ramen there, and sleep on his favorite couch in the corner. The one he bought for Aiden.

'If you don't have enough time to drive home, at least you should have something decent to sleep on instead of that neck-breaking chair.' He had said.

He should have made the time. It didn't matter if he had to postpone the release date of his album, making millions of fans angry, he just should have made the time for him.

He hadn't been able to see Lili for days now. Edwin said she had a breakdown and she didn't want to see anyone. Well, except for Kurt, apparently. He had visited a couple of times and spent a few hours with Lili in her room. So the night conversations were non-existent unless Edwin was on a shift. Aiden had grown quite fond of the young doctor. They would talk about this and that, but he always loved it when Edwin told him memories of when he was a kid. One time Aiden asked about how long they knew each other, Kurt, and the siblings. Edwin said from childhood. They had been neighbors from the very beginning. He said Kurt took care of them like a big brother and then fell in love with Lili at a very young age.

A tap on his shoulder ripped him out of his thoughts.

"Come on, you have visitors waiting for you in Edwin's office." Lucas said. Aiden nodded and smiled in response, making his way to the room.

Upon opening the door, he was met with his little brother Max and his two friends Finn and Brad.

They all hugged him, one after the other, asking him how he is.

"So? I heard you're working on some songs. That Luis guy is really something else for making you work even in here!" Brad said.

"Ah yeah, he can be quite intimidating, but OH my god! I could never complain as far as I get to keep him as my manager!" Aiden was excited like a kid, smiling stupidly wide. His friends laughed at him so hard. It was nice seeing a little life in him again.

"Have you finished anything so far? Can we listen?" Finn asked.

Aiden hesitated. "... Not really. I'm working on a few songs, but they're all super emotional and sad, and definitely not good enough to have an audience." He added, "Yet."

"Oooooh, sassy Aiden back at it again. I live for the confidence you have in your music." Finn teased him.

They all became quiet for a long moment. Aiden was fiddling with his fingers, looking down all of a sudden.

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