Chapter 59

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(6 months ago)

The sound of digits being entered on the lock echoed through the silence of the house. The front door opened and a figure came in. Edwin was lying on the couch on his stomach, facing the hallway that led to the entrance. He opened his eyes briefly but closed them again as he had no energy to keep them wide whatsoever.

By the couch, were several beer bottles on the ground in a messy order. There was a book that had been clearly tossed across the room as it was on the ground with a few of its pages ripped off. And then there was a notebook and a pen by the blue-haired man's hand that was dangling from the couch.

Aiden made his way to the younger as he eyed the whole situation. It was obvious that Edwin had drunk way more than his limit. The singer had been away for 5days on a schedule overseas, and he could tell that Edwin was not feeling very well from the video calls they had. He would end conversations soon, saying he needed to go back to practice, or he was sleepy or such. He knew they were all excuses but there was nothing he could do from afar so he had decided to wait until he came back.

Brushing the younger's hair out of his face, Aiden placed the dangling hand on the couch gently and looked at his boyfriend for a few seconds. He stood up and went to where the poor book was. Picking it up while a few more pages fell to the ground, he read the cover. 'If only by Lili smith' It was Lili's book. The one Chad had given him. Aiden gathered all the torn pages from the ground and put the whole thing on the small shelf on the wall beside the TV. He went back to the couch and sat down, leaning his back on it. He picked the notebook up, hesitating for a second whether or not to look inside, but he decided to take a quick look and if it was something personal, he would close it.

He didn't expect what was inside to be so breathtakingly sad and beautiful. It was a poem. And it was in Edwin's handwriting. It was the notebook that Edwin used when he wanted to write a few lines of a poem. Aiden sat there and read it several times. The words were really devastating, and he knew what he wanted to do with it.


Edwin woke up in bed, covered by the fluffy blanket and no clothes on except for his briefs. He had a terrible headache and with every inch of movement, it would only get 10 times worse. He groaned and slowly lay back again. Not long after, the bedroom door opened and Aiden came in, sitting on the bedside.

The younger moved his arm from his face to look at the man in front of him, only to realize he wasn't even able to keep his eyes open cos the light hurt like a bitch. He hated light at that moment. 'Remember how you judged your sister for the same thing?' He covered his face again and whined in pain.

"Baby, what have you done to yourself.." He heard the kind voice of his boyfriend say.

"I'm gonna help you sit up so you can drink this thing and take a painkiller, okay?"

"Close the curtains first." Edwin muttered from under his arm.

Aiden looked at all the light that was coming through the big windows and looked back at Edwin. Sighing, he stood up and closed everything, and made sure there was not one single ray of light anywhere. The room was nearly covered in darkness, only the light from the living room that came in through the half-open bedroom door lightening the place a bit.

"It's done. Let's sit up." Aiden was careful with Edwin as he helped him sit really slowly, and even with that pace the younger winced in pain and held onto his head. He wanted to ask why he had done this but he knew that every sound was too loud to the other's ears now so he kept quiet.

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