Chapter 8

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Lucas had called in sick to work and Chad knew he wouldn't unless he was on a deathbed. The only problem was the fact that Lucas had changed the medic's room password after Aiden's incident and now no-one other than him knew it. Chad had called Lucas several times, but the other hadn't answered. Probably dead asleep because of all the painkillers.

Chad and Edwin were standing in front of the medic's room, trying to figure out what the password could be. But they knew if they entered it wrong one more time, it would send out alarms and they didn't want to cause panic for the patients. So they just stood there hopelessly. That was until Edwin saw Aiden coming down the stairs. He looked like he had just woken up, hair a bird's nest and face puffy. So unlike the carefully put together image he had sold to the world! It was kind of funny, if he was being honest. Edwin's face lit up, and he ran toward the singer, dragging the confused, sleepy man to the medic's room.

"Woah, Edwin! It's too early for a marathon." Aiden grumbled, trying to free his hand from the doctor's hold.

"Aiden, open this door!" The young doctor said straight forward.

Aiden was literally confused at this point. "Huh?!"

"You opened it the last time. You opened the room to the grand piano too. I know you can."

"I know I can too. It's actually a piece of cake, but why? Is it some kind of test? I swear I didn't steal anything!" Aiden was gesturing with his hands a little because he thought he was in trouble for something he hadn't done.

"Aiden, Lucas is the only one with the pass, and he isn't here today. That's why we're asking you to open it. We have a full hospital to give medications to. Would you do it, please?" Chad explained calmly, actually curious to see the process.

"Wait here, I'll be back." Aiden ran upstairs and came back with his phone and a cable. He attached it to the digital lock and entered some lines on his phone terminal. And then within a few seconds, the door was open. He detached the cable, rubbing his eyes and looking every bit like a baby whose sleep has been disturbed. Pouty lips and all. Edwin wouldn't confess it to anyone, but he would love to poke Aiden's cheek at the moment or ruffle his hair to be even messier.

"Can I go now?"

Both doctors had their jaws dropped to the ground though. Who was Aiden? A singer? A hacker? A drug addict? Just who was this guy?

Aiden looked at the 2 men in front of him who were just staring at him like he was some kind of new discovery or a freak show. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

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"When did he go to the grand piano room?" Chad asked Edwin when they were back at his office.

"Three-four nights ago? When was Sunday? He went there Sunday night."

"And you didn't tell me about it because?" Chad was questioning him.

"I'm sorry, doctor. I forgot. With Kurt gone, Lili is spending all day in her room and even refuses to talk more than 5 words. My mind has been pretty occupied."

"Edwin I know how you feel about her, but you're a doctor. You have many responsibilities. One of them being Aiden. The guy hasn't made any major progress since he came here except for not using drugs. He has to go back soon. He is a celebrity. We can't keep him here for too long. Now tell me all that happened. And later on, write a report as well."

Edwin nodded and did as asked. He told Chad about all the things Aiden had told him. Not really making any sense cause he couldn't connect the dots. When he was done, Chad hummed and appeared to be deep in thought.

"Do you still have the notebook?"

"No. I put it back on his bed the next day."

Chad nodded. "Okay. We're gonna have to make him open up to us. I'll call him here later. That's all for now. Go check on your patients."

Edwin didn't expect to see that scene when he walked inside Lili's room. There she was, lying on her bed with her upper body against the headboard. And with Aiden next to her. They were watching something on her laptop through headphones, both smiling from ear to ear.

Lili was the first one to notice Edwin's presence.

"Oh, Eddie! Have you seen this hottie perform? He's really good!"

Aiden looked at him, and he noticed he had never seen him smiling that brightly. Not to mention it had been a long time since he'd seen Lili as happy as now. These two were feeling at ease in each other's company, and that was something very unique for both of them. He knew Lili, how she hid and locked herself up not to be around other people, refusing to make new friends. And in Aiden's case, he'd noticed the older would put distance between himself and others, although he hung out in the yard most of the time.

"No, no performances. I've just listened to some of his songs." He replied.

Aiden's eyes widened. "You've listened to my songs? Which ones?"

"Yeah well, I had to see what your voice sounds like singing. I was dying outta curiosity." He made his way toward the bed. "I don't remember all the titles as I listened to a lot of them at once and haven't had the time to listen again, but there was this one song that I really loved and I've actually been listening to on a daily basis."

Aiden's eyebrows were lifted up and his lips were pouty, his facial feature showing he wanted to know the song the doctor was talking about. Cute.

"Second chances. That song really relaxes me. I love your voice, by the way."

Aiden frowned and turned his head toward the screen. "Thank you." He said it in such a low voice that if Edwin wasn't close enough, he would've missed it.

"Can I watch with you guys? I'm on a break."

"Sure, climb up the bed, kiddo!" Lili teased him.

Edwin crawled up beside Aiden and watched as the guy performed a very lit song. The more he watched, the more he was amazed. Aiden was a great dancer. And how the hell could he sing while moving around so much? After 3 or 4 songs, he finally looked over at the older to say something but forgot as soon as he saw Lili's head resting on Aiden's shoulder. He coughed and stood up, telling them he had to go back to his shift. Edwin didn't really know how he felt about the two getting close to each other. But he couldn't really do anything about it. He just had to wait and see. But there was some annoying noise at the back of his head. He didn't know what it was about. He just knew that he felt uneasy. 

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