Chapter 20

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Edwin was currently watching Aiden's performance in one of the awards shows that was broadcasted live.

In fact, they were all watching it while eating dinner in the dining room. It had been around 10 days since Aiden had left. The other had kept his promise and called him three-four times, texting when he had the time, but mostly he had been busy to death. The very day he got discharged, Luis picked him up to go to the recording studio. He hadn't visited yet, but he had an appointment in 2 days and they would test his blood and everything to see if he had stayed clean. Edwin wished dearly that he had, but he had his doubts.

The performance was over and Aiden had killed it, the whole stadium singing along whether they were his fans or not. By the end of the night, he won 5 awards. He was smiling one of his genuine gummy smiles while receiving them and Edwin couldn't help but feel happy about the rare, real smile on the singer's face.

"Yas! He deserves those awards so bad. He's a killer!" Lili screamed next to him. She was somehow overexcited today.

Edwin looked at her with amusement and laughed. "Yeah. He does."

"I can't believe that fucker didn't sing even one sentence for us while he was here." Lucas said in an irritated tone.

"Sometimes I wonder how you got this job with that tongue of your, Lucas." Chad teased him. And the nurse just shrugged before breaking into a smile. Vincent smiled too, looking at the nurse. "I think I should give him the last song I made. I really want someone to sing it." He said suddenly, shocking everyone around cos not many people knew what he did before.

"You should talk about it with him when he visits, Vin! I'm sure he'll love it." Lili told him. Vincent nodded.

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Edwin had gotten home an hour ago and was now lying on the bed after taking a shower. He unlocked his phone and went through his messages. There weren't many, but he replied to them quickly and switched to his Instagram feed. Rolling down, he saw Aiden had uploaded a new post. The caption was 'Thank you for these beautiful awards. I love you all, you know that, right? p.s.: who's ready for a new album?'

Edwin commented a quick 'Congrats!' and rolled through the rest of his feed. Getting bored and deciding to sleep, he put his phone on the stand. As soon as he closed his eyes, a notification sound buzzed. Taking his phone, he saw an unknown number.

"how was I? Did you enjoy it?"

'Ah... who is this?'

"Oh shit sorry. It's Aiden. This is my other number."

'Oh hey Aiden. You were amazing. We all watched it.'

"Yeah? Lili too? Wow she really came out of her room?"

'Yes Lili too.'

"Thanks for the comment btw. Sorry I can't follow you back!"

'Nah it's fine. I forgive you :D'

"Can't you just use the damn emoji instead of a : and D ?!"

'No -_- Gotta keep history alive :p'

"Stubborn! Listen I gotta go now. Sweet dreams Bluewin."

'Night night Aiden.'

The next morning Edwin woke up to videos of last night's after-party of the award show and his heart sank after watching this specific one: Aiden and this other guy having a beer contest.

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