Ch. 157 I love you. Finally.

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Not your concern

But then a new message came through...

Hawks: Still in your room? Is the boyfriend gone yet?

I didn't even answer that one.

"Everything okay?" Shoto asked, noticing the frustration on my face.

"Yeah." I turned the ringer off on my phone and set it down.

"So after school?"

"I wish I could, Shoto, but I have something that I have to do." Oh you know, just hang out with a super villain and spy on him for the pervy number one hero. "Maybe we can meet up when I get back later tonight?"

"Spend the night with me, y/n."

"Don't tempt me."

"I mean it. The two of us, alone, all night."

"You know I won't let you sleep."

"I wouldn't want you to." As he spoke, I got up and joined Shoto by the door, playing with the buttons on his shirt. "Y/n, the things I would do to your body if you would give me the chance..."

"Please list them out, in detail, all of them." Shoto opened his mouth but I stopped him. "I'm kidding, you don't have to do that. Although I do like how you're being extra bold lately. What gives?"

"I want to make sure you know how much I want you. After that last night at camp, I know that I have some competition."

"Meaning....?" I actually did need him to be more specific on this one. 

"Bakugo. I heard you say that you thought you loved him, but has he ever told you that he loves you?"

That question hit a little too close to home, and I stared down at the floor, for once not wanting to stare into his beautiful eyes. "Well, no...Not exactly."

"Good. Then I'll say it first. Look at me."

That part was easy; the hard part was knowing what he was going to say next.

"Y/n. I love you."

And there it was. I shouldn't have been surprised. Shoto was the first person I told at UA about my quirk. He was the person I called to help me that night at the warehouse. He had bandaged my wrists and kept it a secret. He knew about his father, and the League, and most everything, with a few exceptions, and he still felt this way? 

There was no universe in which I deserved someone like Shoto Todoroki. 

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You don't...or at least you shouldn't."

"I'm not always good with emotions, y/n, but I've been in enough family therapy sessions to know that no one gets to tell me what I'm feeling."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "What I would give to be a fly on the wall in those sessions..."

"I'm pretty sure even flies don't want to hear the bullshit that comes from the old man. I know I said not to bring him up, but since we're speaking of him..."

Immediately, I cringed, not wanting to hear how his father could possibly play a role in Shoto's confession.

"I know my father makes this complicated for you, and I hate him for that. But in my mind, it isn't complicated at all. I know everything, and I don't care. I get to decide who I love, and I love you, y/n."

"Shoto." Here came the hard part. But it had to be said. "I can't say that back right now. I'm sorry."

"I don't need you to."

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