Ch. 150 Join the Club (Bakugo POV)

Start from the beginning

I chuckled. "Okay. Come on."

Together we started walking back toward her cabin. I tried not to stare at her, but with her hair sort of messy and that short skirt, she was too damn cute, as usual.

I wondered if she was wearing anything under that skirt.

I thought about reaching for her hand, but there was something about the way she was walking that made me think that wasn't a good idea. It was like she was purposefully keeping a distance at first. But then she put her arm around mine.

"If I talk through something with you, will you try to listen?" she asked. "Like really listen?"

"Yeah. Don't I always?"

So I was right, there was something going on.

"Katsuki... Have you ever been in love?"

I stopped.

What the fuck?

This is what she wanted to talk about? I remembered what the dunce face had told me earlier – that she had realized that she was in love with that octopus bastard. 

So that was why she wanted to take a walk with me.

She was about to end things.

"What? I... I don't... why are you asking me that?"

I heard her sigh. "Katsuki, I need to tell you something, but I'm scared to."

I should have known this was a fucking trap.

Damn it. My chest suddenly felt tight, and my eyes burned. It was dark, but I still turned away from her so she wouldn't notice.

The last thing I wanted to hear about was how she was in love with another guy. It was enough to know it, but once she said it out loud, it was real. I'm tough, but I'm not sure even I could handle that.

"Then don't," I said.


"You heard me. Don't. Don't even fucking say it.".

Because if you say it, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

"What? Why not? I need to say this to you. Please just listen."

"I said don't. I don't want to hear it."

"What's gotten into you? I thought you said you were going to listen."

"I changed my mind. Look, I already heard about your little talk with those two morons this morning."

She wouldn't even fucking look at me after I said that.

"So you already know? They.... they told you how I feel?" she asked.

"Yes, I fucking heard," I scoffed. "You should have come right out and told me instead of yapping to those two. I don't need you to rehash it with me now."

I couldn't even look at her, because I wasn't sure what I would do if I did. I'd either look at her beautiful eyes and die right then or rip my own hair out from frustration.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how," she said. "And.... how do you feel about it? I understand if you don't—"

I want to murder everyone and everything I see that isn't you.

"I fucking hate it. What else did you expect?"

"Oh...Of course. I should have known that. I'm sorry. Katsuki, I'm..."

I couldn't listen to anymore of that, and I definitely didn't want her apologies. Damn it, was she crying?

"You know I want to be with you," I said, trying to take the edge out of my voice, "but not like this. If this is how you're feeling, then... then we need to rethink things."

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