66 | Harry - Ring

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"Harry, I'm just trying to be realistic." Indiana snapped at me, and it was like hitting a nerve in me. "This isn't all fun and games anymore. It's a fucked up situation and I'm not going to sit back and watch the people I care about almost get killed in front of my own eyes."

"You think I don't know that?" I raised my voice at her, not able to control it anymore. "You think I'm just riding along letting everything around me fall apart?"

"I didn't say that-" She quickly replied before stammering on her words. "I'm just thinking about the people around us. Your father isn't a god sent angel who's here to protect you, Harry."

That fucking did it. The nerve it struck for her to sit here and act as if I think my father is a saint. It pushed it way to fucking far and I can't control it anymore.

All the anger that's been pent up inside me over the past few months is about to come out. It's all going to come spilling out and wipe everything out, and I can't do anything to control it.

"You don't know shit about my father or me!" I bellowed, gritting my teeth from the anger roaming through me. "You didn't live with him, you don't have to deal with him everyday. I am the one fucking person that knows he is the worst possible human being."

"I know you know he's bad," She replied and I couldn't believe she was acting like what she said was no big deal. "I just don't think you realize he could be behind this."

"And what makes you think this isn't Hugo's problem?" I was defensive when I asked her the question, not bothering to hide how pissed off I was. "You're sitting here pointing fingers at my father when your guy is the one who got you the job."

Call me petty, but I'm not going to sit back and let her dig at my world when she's the one that flew into it. She came here on a job knowing everything about me, I had no idea who she was.

"I'm not pointing fingers at anyone," Indiana answered, rolling her eyes which seemed to push my buttons even more. "I even said I was looking at Hugo myself. I'm going to meet with him soon and try to figure things out. You're the one who's getting all defensive about me saying your father could be part of this."

"I'm getting defensive because you have yet to give me a goddamn reason as to why he could be the reason this is happening." I replied dryly, clearing my throat as I finished my words.

I'm not against the idea of him being part of this, I'm just pissed off she's all in here saying shit without giving me a reason. If she's thought about it and tells me why she thinks that then I'd be fine, but it's bothering me right now.

"Do you not think it's weird that right after I helped you guys in Hawaii this shit started happening?" She blurted and I paused, my face going flat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a bit baffled and confused as to what she was talking about.

"Harry, I got kidnapped right after we got back from Hawaii." Indiana deadpanned looking at me like I was stupid. "After I helped you guys on a job. Didn't your father think it was weird I was there, so he wanted to take me out?"

I don't get what she's saying, but at the same time I do. There's no way this is him though, he wouldn't go out of his way to get the rest of us.

She could be right on her behalf. It was a stupid idea of us to bring her with, but it wouldn't cause all of this. If anything he'd let it go and recruit her himself.

"But it doesn't add up with anything else that happened," I replied, shaking my head at her not understanding her words. "He wouldn't come after all of us too."

"You're right," She agreed and I let out a sigh of relief. "But a lot of things don't make sense. There are so many things that run through my head and all I want is answers."

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