53 | Indiana - Ponder

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I can feel your heart beatin' with mine
Underneath the stars, lookin' for a sign
Glowin' in the dark 'til the sun shines

I can feel your heart beatin' with mineUnderneath the stars, lookin' for a signGlowin' in the dark 'til the sun shines

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Fuck, I'm a nervous wreck.

And for what?

It's been three days since Halloween, and I'm still a disaster. Physically, and mentally I have not recovered.

When I woke up that next day, it felt like my vagina was fucking broken. I had never been so sore, and had it last this long. I could barely roll over without wincing in pain, and Harry really got a kick out of it.

I wanted to sleep and lay in bed all day, but that wasn't good enough for his or Niall's attention span. They forced all of us to go to the one place I would have never expected.

The fucking mob museum.

I don't know why the fuck they thought that would be a good idea, but they did. I guess Niall had gotten the tickets when he was plastered and didn't want to waste the money. It's not like he couldn't afford to lose the money.

I should have known it was going to be a disaster from the start, but I didn't think it would go as wrong as it did. All of us were hungover and in a pissy mood, so it was only adding to the events.

When we got to the museum all I wanted to do was cry and go back to bed. My legs were so fucking sore and Harry kept making fun of me. I tried warning him, but apparently my glares weren't enough for him because he ended up with a knee to his balls.

"What's wrong, Indiana?" Harry teased as I winced in pain while walking through one of the exhibits. "You look a little.. tense."

"Fuck off." I spit through gritted teeth, balling my hand up into a fist. I didn't have much patience left for Harry today, and he was really testing me. I don't have enough will left to keep myself composed right now.

One more comment, and he's a dead man.

"You're looking a little dead inside," He pushed with an evil smirk playing on his lips. My jaw clamped shut and a slight chuckle came out of his mouth. "I think you might need an autopsy to find out what's-"

The stupid fucker couldn't even finish his sentence before I was turning around and bringing my knee up to connect with his crotch. Very fucking hard. He screamed like a little bitchboy and grabbed his dick in pain as I just tilted my head giving him a blank stare.

"You fucking bitch!"

Harry stopped making dumb comments after that.

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