66 | Harry - Ring

Start from the beginning

We had to meet with my father on Thursday and then that night and Friday would be our big attack. I don't really know how it's going to go this year, and I don't know if it's what we should be doing right now.

"I'm stressed, that's all." I forced a soft smile as I grabbed her hands from her lap as she sat crisscrossed. "Trying to prepare myself for this weekend."

"Do you think you'll be okay to go?" She asked, scooting a bit closer to me so her knees were touching mine. "I mean will you be well enough physically?"

In all honesty, I don't know. If I can continue to just hide away these next few days then I'll be fine. Things just need to stay mellow until next week and then all hell can break loose.

Not that I'm asking for it to happen, it just needs to wait until then. I'd love it if things could stay calm for a while so I could take a minute to breathe, but I'm not expecting it to happen.

"I'll be fine," I replied shortly as I kept my focus on her face. "Either way I'll have to suck it up. There's no way of getting out of this, you know what it's like that night."

"I for sure do know what happens," Indiana chuckled, but it wasn't a good laugh, it was one of those that you make when you're mad. "I've had my fair share of dealing with you Black Streak boys on Thanksgiving."

"And this time you'll be joining us," I teased slightly, knowing and hoping that it would be partially true. "Please come to dinner with us Thursday. We really need you there."

I watched as she hesitated for a moment, thinking about her words. Her face flashed with something I couldn't quite read, and I didn't understand what it meant.

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly and she thought and I could sense how her body changed. There was a slight frown that laid across her lips that held a normal smile, making me sad.

"I don't think it's a good idea," She sighed after taking a moment to pause and think about it. "With your dad being there and everything going on. Who knows who could be pulling our strings?"

Hold on a minute. Is she getting at what I think she is?

"You think my father is doing this?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

I mean, the thoughts crossed my mind before but I didn't think she was looking into it too. I really didn't think it could have been him, I don't think he cares enough to do all this.

"I don't know, Harry," Her tone of voice changed, sounding a bit more defensive than what it was. "He's not the only person I'm looking at. Hugo's on my mind too. I mean, you don't think it's the slightest bit weird that we start getting in contact and all this starts happening?"

I feel like that's the most I've heard her speak at one time. It was all making my brain twist though, the words colliding as one and turning into mush. My mind was trying to reach for the puzzle pieces and collect them.

"What are you talking about, Indiana?" I asked, dropping her hands and bringing my own up to tug at my hair. "You think this is his plan, to get us to work together or some sick shit?"

I don't know why this was bothering me so much. Maybe it was because I didn't want to think about the chance she could be right?

This wasn't how I wanted it to be. I didn't want it to be on his behalf, but in all honesty it might be. He always knows everything, so he could know about all of this.

I know he's smart too. He may act stupid sometimes, but my father is at the top of his game for a reason. Desmond Styles is a sick manipulator, and he isn't afraid of a little lightning if that means he gets the power in the end.

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