toge inu. - [1] spider lily

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[a/n: uhhhh... Please look at the first part of our book if you want to Request!...]

®equest by: kekiiicathyyy
hehe i don't want to make our baby Inumaki cry... yet <( ̄︶ ̄)> I'm a evil curse spirit so forgive me....

Guys i need to tell you something.

• ☉--◍--☉ •

'How you two meet?'

In the sunny morning of school day, the first years and their mentor is looking more glum than usual as if somebody just die-- or not just somebody. The cicadas is more annoying for today since they make silence more deafening whilst the sun shines above the earth creating a shadows under trees and mossy statues.

" 'live a long life?' " Nobara cuts off the thick air, " Doesn't mean much when you go and die your self" she continues.

"Fushiguro, if you don't mind me asking" you finally speak after receiving the news from Megumi, "Is this your first time having a partner die?"

"First time for one of my age" Megumi gloomily spoke.

"I see..." Another silence envelope the three of you making you grow uncomfortable, " You guys seems to be taking it well, considering "

"Same to you" they both spoke at the same time as cold sweat run down to your temple.

"No I'm not..... c-can't you guys hear my voice? It was raw and hoarse because I cried my self in sleep...." You look at up at the sky when tears started to cloud your vision. Mind where nowhere, it was sailing in the sea of fire were you can't stop thinking about killing Sukuna who's the suspect of killing your pink haired best friend.

A shadow then hovers above you making you lowers your head and jolted in surprise causing you to fall on your back: now laying on the steps. The person still didn't go away from your sight as his eyes looking more worriedly at you than earlier.

"Mustard leaf?" The guy who wears a high collar uniform and a white locks spoke on onirigi ingredient.

"Uhhhhh....bonito flakes?" You just randomly says but enough for the guy to widened his eyes in surprised. Still, what caught his attention is your voice- it was husky voice that it made him feel that he could also feel it from his own throat, so he immediately fished something on his pocket and hand it to you.

"A throat Medicine?" You confusedly look from the guy and the medicine he gave you.

"Y/n, does you and Inumaki-senpai have meet before?" Megumi suddenly busted between you and the white haired sorcerer.

"Inumaki?" You lightly tilted your head as the person in front of you offer you a hand to lift you up.

"Toge Inumaki, a curse speech user--he only spoke on onirigi ingredients to keep everyone safe when he speaks" the girl that had leather bag with a green hair says.

"Ehhhh... that's very powerful!" Your eyes glimmers in amusement as you look at Inumaki, while Inumaki thank his high collar uniform for hiding his dusted pink cheeks.

"It's nothing that convenient...if he uses powerful words it could hit him with massive feedback" Panda explained.

"EHHG! THE PANDA TALKED!" You shouted incredulously, the panda just shrugged you off and continue to talk with the other first year. You stare at your hand, you thought how could Inumaki help someone he doesn't know--, "ECK! WHO THE FUCK- o-oh I-inumaki-s-senpai" you nervously laughed, "please don't scare me like that"

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