megumi fus. -pervy thoughts

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Requested by _Kaira-chan_ .


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The red-orange sunlight was lighting the gloomy street where the two sorcerer silently walking,It was a tiring day for them;after completing their mission.

"Megumi-san, are you okay" you turn around and look at the sorcerer who's spacing out since this morning,

"uuh-h..yeah..yeah I'm fine, just tired" he shutters snaping out on his thoughts.

"Ehh? You're tired? But I'm the one who do much!" You said, clenching your fist up high proudly and it pisses Megumi off.

It was your fault after all, If you just didn't...

⊰⊹ฺ。.゚+ ⟵flashback

"Y/n-san look out" Megumi scream, seeing the curse to jump on your way trying to attack you. But your pets nudged its attack however you blink making sure that your puppets were the one shredding in pieces.

"Oya? Bad luck is in my hands" you said innocently bringing your index finger on the side of your pouting mouth. Second ago, you hang your head low before laughing "Blood-"

"Woof!" Megumis shikigami interrupt you from your concentration making you look at Megumis way " Dont you dare!" He said angrily glaring at you.

"Fine..fine" you sigh thinking that you have no power against him "but lemme do this" you said unbuttoning your jacket off revealing your banged breasts.

Both of Migumis and the Curse eyes widened as they grow red, watching you strip the bandqges on your big breasts. "Y/n what are you doi-" the curse immediately run of your way arms spread and his fingers excitedly dance "ßqüëézy" it says but eventually stopping it tracks when it felt a pair of thighs around his neck

"lets cover you naughty eyes~" you tease before wrapping the bandages in his face "Megumi-san?!" You call out when you notice his irritated face.

"Then, lets get going, shall we?" You grinned lighty crouched your body. Megumi just hummed in response looking at you, from your sexy thighs that he always wanted you to press in his face then to your breasts that had a perking nipples-Oh how he wanted to sleep in those.

His foot harshly tapping against the wooden floor as it sound filled the comfy room, Megumi start to be sexually frustrated against you. If you both just had a time to talk about it..

A knock snapped him in his pervy thought immediately running to his door and open it. A shy smile crepe in your face and wave at him.

"Why are you here?" He ask confused, eyes little wide.

"I lost my key" you shyly said looking at him with a puppy eyes.

Megumi sigh; knowing that he can't do anything but to let you sleep in his room.

"You sure have a good room" you exclaim wandering in your boyfriend's room,

"Thanks? I gue-OI OI" He run over his meddler girlfriend when he saw it looking in his wardrobe.

"Chill Megumi-san, I just wondering about your clothes. You're not hiding something here, right?" You asked innocently still wondering in his clothes."Oh my~ it this a ballon?" You look at the square plastic lightly tear it inspecting it. Megumis face tinted in red as he snatch it to you and throwing it back in his wardrobe then closing it locked.

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