toge inu. -sleep

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o: IDKWhatImDoinWLife22

[I promise that I'll her/him a 2 oneshots since she/he asks for more Inu so this is it....Just a random fluff Idea by me:]

•Part 2 of Strip•

A loud splash of water through the levee and the heavy rain wake him up. It was five on the morning and the sky is still dark plus the sun were covered by grey color of rainy cloud giving a gloomy vibe in Tokyo street.

Shifting around Toge felt the cold of empty bed, he patiently outstretched his arms in attempt to hug someone but his eyes shoot open when he feel nothing but cold sheet and blankets. As quickly as second, he already found himself walking into empty and dim hallway wearing his black uniform, he has this uneasy feeling that something is wrong with you.

The dim hallway had its flickering florescent lights as his rush were too obvious just how his stumps on the wooden floor, turning in right, his butt meet the floor starling the person he bumb into.

"Right timing, you're looking for Y/n aren't you? She's in the infirmary" Maki's voice echoes through the hall yet the person she was talking with is already run towards the said place.

When Toge arrived in front of the infirmary's door, he take a deep breath and keep his sanity so he don't scare the shit out of you. Opening the door, the 'keeping the sanity' he was talking about were now gone as he sees Itadori sitting beside your fragile form while firmly holding your hands.

Inumakis vision were getting blurry all of the sudden, he thought you were his, he thought that if he did those things Itadori would just leave you alone, does he didn't see the marks on your delicate body? Was he blind or something? Or he just ignore those and still chooses to get under your skin?

Toge was about to unzip his uniform but a gentle hand hold him in the shoulder making his distracted.

"You don't want to cause anymore trouble, right?" Pandas face is calm yet his tone were sharp. Panda sit on the couch as he pat the space beside him to tell Inumaki to sit which he gladly accept.

"Calm down Inumaki" Panda look over you and Itadori who's peacefully sleeping in your arms, "He's just worried just like us, like you" Panda were right, earlier Inumaki could feel the piercing eyes Maki give her to him when they bump into each other.

Inumaki understand that but the way he worries is different from them especially they didn't know what happen to you.

"Mustard leaf?" Toge asks in a low voice whilst keeping his eyes on the white tiles.

"Probably not, Maki said that she saw her laying on the training field while the rain is heavy, Maki go to her but Y/n said she couldn't walk that's when she called me" Panda sigh and rest his head on the couch. "We brought Y/n here realizing that she's burning and have bruised marks all over her body" He said worriedly and walk over Itadori.

Inumaki watch Panda to wake up Itadori, he guilt all over his body. He let jealousy take care of his mind while everyone around you and him were just worried about you. A train of realization suddenly struck him as he remembers that Itadori promise you that he'll play chess with you while you're healing yourself from the past mission.

Upon siting beside you, Inumaki felt that he's not should be here, it's should be someone who's really worried about you and take care of you. Those thoughts made him go weak plus thinking that when you wake up and look at him with fear made him burst out into tears as he hug your burning hand.

Please Y/n be okay, Please don't be scared at me, Please back to normal, PLEASE W A K E U P...His thoughts keep repeating and repeating like a rituals however he didn't notice that his thoughts where oozing out until a tender warm fingers wipe the tears away from his cheek.

" Y / N ? " He mumbled, hugging you tightly like he'll loose you if he let go.

"T-toge? Are you alright? Why are you crying? Why theres a blood on your mouth-" He cut you off by kissing you passionately, it's startled you at first but you kiss him back when you saw how his face is so loving and adorable. Not minding the metalic taste of his blood, you gulp all of it as you pull away.

Both panting heavily and just staring at each other... Toge cut the growing awkwardness by giving you a peace of note.

Why did you sneak out?

The color of your face wash out as Inumaki look at you with an evil grin, looking away, you smile nervously before opening your mouth.

"It's just...Y-you s-saw m-my b-body a-and I-i w-was t-thinking t-that y-you f-found m-my b-body u-ugly" You pout but tear a little when Inumaki flock your forehead.

" I L O - "

"I love you~" Toge were interrupted by the Annoying egoistical Gojo.

"I hate you!" You shouted, throwing a pillow which he immediately catch before it hit him.

"So how was my favorite student?" He smirked, tugging your hand making you stand up but quickly stumbled on the floor as you feel your thighs hurt. "Ohhhh~~~ I seeeee? You can't stand up! Which means you two did something naughty aren't you" all second years face is burning like hell as you covers yours.

"So where's the baby coming?" Gojo smirked poking your reded cheeks.

"B-BABY?" Maki and Panda says.

"You didn't use protection Inumaki, didn't you?" Gojo look over Inumaki who's no longer breathing.

Can I get an Owa owa?

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