yuuji ita. - babysitting

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Collage life is sucks and always a exhausted one, thesis, presentation, report and so many things.

But today was the day of your rest day even if it's just a one day at least you have time to sleep. You're just a mere human who like experiments but prefer creppy stuff that's why you want to be in the research club yet your destiny is bad you ended up in the science club, though, you're not gonna lie bad destiny is also the reason you fell inlove with a curse vessel.

"Grrrnn!" You lightly groan; covering your face with your pillow, "Yuuji-kun, I need to sleep" you mumbled;fake snoring.

"Huhuhuhu! hungry" your boyfriend cries grabbing the hem of your pyjamas and use it to wipe his tears along with his drool.

"Then go to the kitchen! You cry BABY" you shouted on top of your lungs then throwing a pillow on his way, but instead of hitting is face the pillow landed on the ground with your lampshade creating a loud shattering of glass. "YUUJI?" You screamed seeing a 1 years old cry baby Itadori.

" A-re yow Awmgry? WAAAAAAAAA! " he cried rubbing his eyes with his little hands,guilt building in his mind when the thought of him being an annoyance to you that make you even stressed. You pat his head then stroke his hair as melted in your touch, later on you notice his eyes were barely open and he often nod.

"Come here" you order before picking him up and lying him down in your arms "Sorry Yuuji-kun, I scared you" you sofly said stroking his hair again.

"Y-y/n~" he murmured,snuggling in your breasts; lightly clenching it with a little drool in his chin,you stare at him dumbfounded and surprised "Yuuji-kun? Do you love Y/n?" You giggled grabbing your phone beside you.

"Hmmn~ l-ovwm herh" he tiredly spoke putting his little palm in your face; somewhat squeezing your nose.

Light snores escaped his mouth sign that he's asleep now. You sigh and look at his cute face with a 'how the hell he turn into a baby?' you giggle a little thinking that today definitely going to be a hard day.

"Don't stare! You old hag!" Y/n jump a little when she heard a unfamiliar voice, wandering around. "Hag!" the unfamiliar voice speak again and when Y/n look down she was greeted by Yuujis face with a mouth in his right cheek along with a one eye.

"E-eeeh? Sukuna?" You blink at him "You're a baby too?" A black tattoo appeared in Baby Yuujis body and its frightening red orbs stare at yours.

"Say! Iam I? Cute too?" Sukuna shyly asks with a puppy eyes and fingers fidgeting. You squeeze him lighly as you look away from him, "Hey! Y/n! I am I cute?" He shouted pulling some strands of your hair as you slowly look at him, one hand covered your mouth, "What?!" Sukuna growled.

"WHAHAHAHAHA, NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE LOOK LIKE A RAT! WHAHAHAHAH" You laugh, tears peeking in the side of your eyes. "Come on Sukuna stop acting like a baby!" You crouch down before poking his cheeks.

You and Itadori go in the same middle school and high school, you know him because of his popularity being a member of research club. Destiny is shit-you know that, especially they brought you to Itadori in wrong time.

It was late at night, normally everyone was gone home,eating their moms delicious curry and sleep for another school day tommorow. Yet you're there in the library reading some old literature about spirits, ghost, ghouls, and curses, of course you're familiar on the 3 first and what always caught your interest is the CURSES.

The book says....

"ITS! BLANK!" You screamed,your voice echoed in the campus as a loud crushing sound follow through, you immediately open the window near you and you're greeted by a blindfolded weirdo.

"Yo!" It says before dragging you out from the window.

"You weirdo, let go! I'm just interested in the curses!" You insist , wiggling in his hold.

"Megumi! Watch her!" The blindfold guy, sit you beside the black haired guy.

"OH! IS THAT ITADORI-SAN FROM THE RESEARCH CLUB?" you asks surprised "eh? He looks different" you slightly tilt your head.

"EMMMMHP" You scream in surprise when you felt a rough sensation in your lips "I-TA-DO-RI-" you look away embarrassed as the little crush on him bloom larger.

"No, it Sukuna! Mitten" he said before Yuujis body collapse on you; head resting on your shoulder. After that when he wakes up, Gojou explain to him what happens, which make Itadori soak in embarrassment. A day passed he immediately go to you to apologize but ended up being a confession, he ask you on a date which you at once accept, and you finally get to know the Sukuna inside him and the Jujutsu Tech.

"Hmmp!" Sukuna pout looking in the other way "you're old hag" he snickered which make you look piss and have an irk mark in your forehead.

"You're going to the kitchen right? Then go on your own!" You laugh evilly before lying your self on your bed and scroll on your phone.

On the other hand, Sukuna bravely go to the kitchen but after a minute...


"Yuuji-kun say ahhh~" you order as Itadori open his mouth widely before you gave him a spoonful "isn't yummy?" You beamed watching him chew the food you gave; his cheeks were cutely going up and down when he chew, you notice his clothes were dirty.

"Come here! I'm here so don't be scared" you stretch your arms and offer him a hand while he hesitatingly grab it, you lift him up and slowly put him in the warm water with you "see it's not scary" he just gave you a bittersweet smile. You sit on the edge of the bathtub and lay him down on your chest. And he immediately fall asleep.

"Let me out!" Sukuna growled.

"Ahhh~ is my king jealous?" You teased and you didn't notice Yuujis act.


"Yes! You're jea-ahh~mn,, Y-yuuji?" You half moan when you felt Yuujis played your pink nipples. "S-stop it ah~" you covered your mouth as he licks your nipples and suck it. "Sukuna! I know that's you!" You hissed, drool all over your chin.

"Soft!" Sukuna beamed innocently as his red eyes stared at yours.

"You stupid curse!"


"You're going to the kitchen right? Then go on your own!" You laugh evilly before lying your self on your bed and scroll on your phone.

On the other hand, Sukuna bravely go to the kitchen but after a minute...

"WAAAAAHH, Y/N! THERE'S!" Sukuna scream on top of his lungs as he run on your bed.

"WHAT?" you asks annoyed at his loudness

"THERE'S A COCKROACH IN THE KITCHEN!" He shouted, eyes were teary while pointing the kitchen way.

But instead of comforting him you laugh at him which make him cry even more.

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