Ch. 135 Toga Meets The Crew

Start from the beginning

I handed Shinso a drink, a huge smile on my face. 

He did not return the smile.  "You must have me confused with one of the other guys Y/n strings along behind her."

I heard Mina and Kaminari both gasp.

If this was how it was going to be, then game on.

"Oh no you don't," I said quickly, feeling Shoto once again at my side. "You must be confused. Shinso, please tell us about this job and who you've been working for. I'm sure everyone, Toga included, would love to hear about it. You might even know some of the same people."

I dare you to bring up Hawks. I triple dog dare you to tell her that you've been reporting back to Hawks. I can't wait to see her laugh in your face.

"I recently found another job, that's all."

"Really? What job is that?" I asked, not letting this go.

Shinso continued to give me the most hateful stare. "Don't worry, we'll all wait," I said, taking a long sip.

Toga gestured back and forth between me and Shinso. "So this is one of those enemies to lovers things?" Toga smiled without missing a beat. "Or is it lovers to enemies? Either way I'm into it. Y/n, you definitely seem to go for the brooding secretive type. Speaking of which, where's - "

"Toga!" I interrupted her again.

"What? Oh," she seemed to finally understand. "Nevermind. And who are you?" Toga asked, all of her attention shifting away from me.

"I'm Mina."

"I thought I wanted him," she said, pointing at Kaminari, "but you might make me change my mind. Do you kiss as good as y/n does?"

It was my turn for the group to stare at me, but I just shrugged. "What can I say? We spent a lot of time together when I was with the League."

"We should go," Shoto said, his arm going around my waist.

"But you just got here!" Toga exclaimed. "I need time with y/n and my cute little phone charger. In fact, I'm stealing her for just a minute." Before they could say anything, Toga took my hand and started pulling me toward the other room. "I won't keep her long, I promise!"

The group looked skeptical, but I had a feeling I knew what she was doing.

"I'm going with you," Shoto said, starting to follow me.

"No, don't," I said quickly. "I have my phone. I'll be right back, right?" I asked Toga.

"Like I said, I won't keep her long!"

Shoto looked unsure, but he let me go. 

"For real though, did Mr. Crazy let Shinso quit?" she whispered once we were far enough away. "Obviously he doesn't want to say."

"Girl." I leaned in and whispered back, "you're going to die when I tell you this story."

"I can't wait!" she giggled. "Anyway, I stand by my word. I won't keep you long. But he might..." she gestured to the back door and grinned.

I realized what she was suggesting. "Thank you, Toga!" I gave her a quick hug and bolted toward the door onto the back patio. "And remember, don't stab Denki, okay?"

She pouted. "That's no fun," I heard her say as I closed the door behind me.

Exiting the house, my eyes searched quickly in the darkness for Dabi. I didn't see any sign of him. Had Toga been wrong and he'd gone somewhere else? I turned to go back inside and pulled out my phone to text him. I was just about to hit send when I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I muttered, not looking up from my phone.

"You are still so rude, little brat."

By the time I realized what was going on, Shigaraki snatched the phone from my hand before I could do anything about it and immediately started reading through my texts.

"Sexting that burnt asshole from the phone that I pay for? See? Rude."

"Give that back!"

"Have you sent him any pics?" he asked, scrolling back through my texts with Dabi. "Because if he has some and I haven't seen them..."

"Tomura. This is not okay. If you'll give me the phone back I actually have something nice to say to you."

"Yeah right," he said, putting my phone in his pocket.

"I'm being serious. I want to tell you something. I'm sorry for accusing you of giving out my location the other night. I know now that you didn't do that."

"Damn right I didn't."

"You're still an ass for whatever deal you made about me with Overhaul."

"That's fair."

"But I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong."

Tomura reluctantly handed me back the phone. For a moment it seemed like he was still mad but then he reached up and held my cheek in the palm of his hand. His fingers then gently ran down my face to my neck where he wrapped his hand around my neck firmly at the base of my head.

"You came out here looking for Dabi, didn't you?" he asked, gripping a little tighter. His other hand went around my waist, pulling me to him. Instinctively my hands pressed against his chest to steady myself.

"Why don't I make you forget about him?" 

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