Reforming his Rakuyo, Y/N approached his old mentor. His flames had died down with a sudden snap, as if it was starved of oxygen.

Seeing her attempt to defend the ticking clock hands with utter determination, Y/N's eyes flicked back to normal as he blinked.

He felt a deep sense of pity, worming it's way down and into his stomach. He shook his head with a few blinks of his eyes and continued forward.

Holding her Rakuyo up in a makeshift defense, Maria once again braced herself as Y/N continued his ruthless assault.

She grunted at the aching pain in her arm as he attacked, yet she reassumed a defensive position once more.

A deep rumble escaped Y/N's throat just before he slashed once more at Maria's crumbling blade. It was finally enough to snap the metal in half and nearly dismember her arm at the elbow.

She continued to defy death by standing in it's way. Her hat was gone, on the floor in a burnt mess. It left her snow like hair to stick to her bloodied face.

Seeing his blurred form slowly grow in size, she was shaken from her daze as he held her by the nape of her neck.

The tip of the younger Hunters Rakuyo tapped Maria's chest, directly where her heart was located, it's silver metal was just inches from ending her life.

Just as he was about to plunge his saber deep into her chest cavity, Y/N felt an unfamiliar presence, a touch.

The Hunter's heart momentarily stopped at the sight of her half lidded, fading eyes. He saw the sadness within their once cold depths.

She spoke, her tone just above a whisper and uttered with emotions she never showed. "Y/N... please--forgive me."

She realized it was too late for anything, no second chances and at a possibility of saving her once pupil.

The harsh grip behind her neck turned into a delicate one, his blade slipped away as the strength in her legs slowly faded away along with her.

Her knees thumped against the floor and her hand on his cheek faltered, but was quickly reinforced by his own.

He looked over her past transgressions to remember a woman who treated him like one of her own.

He didn't see a murdering fiend, obsessed with obtaining forbidden knowledge.

He saw a woman who filled the gap in his heart, one fitting of a mother, and he filled the hole in hers, as family.

"I hope you find peace, in the waking world." Y/N said, his voice firm and sincere. "Goodbye, Maria."

Despite all the betrayal she had given him, Y/N still found it within himself to forgive her. After all she had done to try and right her wrongs, how could he not?

"I forgive you..."

The surrounding flames extinguished, leaving a charred ruin that was once delicate and lifeless.

He watched her die, her eyes slowly close with a single tear being wept, felt her hand slowly lose it's grip before he carefully set her on the floor. And finally, her very being begin to turn to light before suddenly turning to nothing.

All that was in Y/N's hands was her blood, caked on leather gloves, staining his garb and smeared on his cheek.

He took a moment to himself, contemplating whether he should of killed her or not.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now