Ch. 129 Swapping Shirts

Start from the beginning

"You might not want to bet on that."

"Be there. I have some new things I want to try. If I have to show up at your school or wherever you are. I will. You know I've done it before."

"Oh, I know. Especially since now I know all about your little app you've been using to follow me. But I'll have you know that I tore that necklace off and I don't even know where it is anymore."

I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone. "I thought you might do that. That's why I had you microchipped."


"You did... what?"

"You can't blame me for wanting to keep track of my investment. I'm willing to give you a little more time off but we've been over this before. You know the consequences-"

"Back up. You did what?"

"One of those shots last week injected you with a microscopic tracking device. My beautiful, silly girl, I wasn't going to leave this to chance. I know what you did before meeting me, and who you did it for, and I won't make the same mistakes that your previous owner made."

"Owner? Oh hell no."

"Endeavor was too stupid to even prevent Dabi of all people from taking you right from under his nose. I won't let that happen."

I started feeling all over my arms searching for any little bump that might give me a clue where this thing was. "Where is this thing so I can claw it out with my own bare hands? I'm so done with this."

"I don't like your tone," Overhaul said. "Do you remember what happened the last time you suggested we stop?"

"That time you threatened to kill me and my friends? How could I forget? For someone who swears he wants to make some magical drug to help people, you sure do talk a lot about killing."

Just then I noticed Katsuki and Kirishima walking toward me, headed to their rooms down the hall. Had they already heard me on the phone? I tried to avoid eye contact.

"I mean, yes, doctor," I said too loudly, "thank you so much, doctor, for letting me know that my test results are all clear. I'm so glad to hear it."

"I need to go," I whispered into the phone. "Call me tomorrow, and we will talk about this more." I hung up without waiting for a reply.

I walked back toward my room, fully planning on not acknowledging either of them, but as I walked past them I felt a tug on my shirt. Well, Tamaki's shirt. I jerked back, just out of reach, and turned around to see Katsuki's red eyes narrow and angry as he looked me over.

Let him be angry. I'm pretty sure he could tell by the look on my face that I wasn't happy either. With what Overhaul had just told me, plus this whole necklace ordeal...

Kirishima kept going down the hall, slightly quicker than before, without saying a word to either of us.

That left just Katsuki and I in the hallway, staring each other down like two guys in a western shoot out.

I needed him to know that my feelings were hurt. But I couldn't just come right out and say that like a normal person with healthy emotions.

Instead, I asked him a question.

"Do you notice something that's missing?" I asked Katsuki, gesturing to my neck and chest.

"Your own shirt."

I rolled my eyes. "Something else."

"You're not wearing a bra."

"Well, yeah, but try again."

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