28 | Harry - Panic

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"He tried to fucking drown you?" I screamed way too loud, but I didn't fucking care who heard it. I was going to murder him with my own bare hands.

"Harry, stop!" She said quickly when I turned on my heel to go find Liam but I stopped with her words. "Just listen to me."

"No Indiana." I said aggressively as I stepped towards her pointing a finger at her. "He tried to fucking drown you. He knows damn well that we are supposed to protect you with our lives now. You know way too much and if something happens to you we are done!"

"Just sit down and listen!" She screamed back at me and I could see tears welling in her eyes so I stepped back from her, not realizing how close I was. "Please."

"He has no excuse." I said sitting down next to her. I could feel that the plane was taking off. "He fucked up big time, and he is going to pay."

"No, Harry, he isn't." She said much more calm than I was. "We all had too much to drink. Look at me I'm fine!"

"Just because you are physically fine it doesn't mean it was okay!" I said flailing my arms around. Why was I so worked up over this?

"I'm not justifying his actions!" She pushed back. "I'm sorry if I ignored you or just left you. I didn't mean to, this is just a really hard time of the year for me and I let myself get to my head and shut down."

"Don't apologize." I said quietly, taking her hand into mine. "I didn't mean to lash out, it just makes me really mad and it's not acceptable."

"You can talk to him about it, but I don't need you to beat his face in." She joked a small smile coming over her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked seriously as I caressed her hand. "Not just with the whole Liam thing, with whatever else is going on."

"Yeah I'm okay." She assured me with a nod. "This week is just the anniversary of my dad dying."

She looked sad when she said it and I felt really bad for bringing it up now.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly as I gave her hand a squeeze. "He'd be proud of how far you've come."

"Thirteen years, it's crazy." She said as she looked at our hands. "He wouldn't be proud of me, he'd be really disappointed in what I've done with my life."

"No he wouldn't." I quickly said back. Even if this wasn't my place to speak I know he wouldn't be disappointed. "You are so strong and selfless, Indiana."

"No I'm not." She let out a light laugh as she leaned her head against my shoulder. "I'm very selfish and I've done so many bad things."

"I don't know how many times I have to say it, but you've been there for me when no one cared or just laughed about it." I said seriously as I ran my hand over her finger, feeling a ring I haven't seen before. "Where'd you get this ring? It's beautiful."

It was glistening in the light, with a beautiful pearl on it and it looked so familiar to me. It fit her perfectly like a piece of her.

"My friend gave it to me." She said and a smile came across her face as she mentioned her friend.

"The same friend you were talking to the other day?" I asked changing the conversation because I could tell this was lightening the mood a bit.

"Yeah, it is." She spoke as I ran my hand over the ring. "She gave it to me as a little see you in eight months gift."

"Sounds like a good friend." I let out a light laugh and she did too. "Does mystery friend have a name?"

"Mystery friend is named River." She said with a smile. I was glad she had someone that cared about her and that was there for her.

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