Ch. 83 You Owe Me

Start from the beginning

"Hold on, you don't get to judge. We weren't together."

"But the League of Villains? Really? When you know what he's capable of? What he's done. I don't know why I expected things to be different with you this time."

Now I really was confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"I didn't want to bring this up tonight, but I asked you to not go to this party, which you obviously did anyway, and when I get back to the dorm, you're in this incredibly sexy dress laying all over Deku."

"Okay," I said calmly. "You're right. I did go to the party. But it was a party for us! And as for this morning, I swear there's nothing going on with Deku. Like, I promise-promise. He gets nervous just looking at me. I don't even remember falling asleep last night."

"You don't remember? How much did you have to drink?"

"I didn't drink anything at the bar, thank you very much."

"You guys went to a bar?"

Whoops. Guess he hadn't known that part.

"Shinso, it's not what it sounds like."

"Was Bakugo there?"

"Well yeah..."

"What about Todoroki?"


Shinso rolled his eyes. "I asked you to not go at all and you end up going to a bar? And now I ask you to do one thing for me and your first thought is to go to Aizawa."

"You are twisting my words."

"I'm such an idiot. I think you should go."


"I think you should leave."

"Like, right now? After we just..."
"Yeah. I need to get some sleep. You're coming with me to meet Overhaul but I think otherwise we need some time apart to figure things out."

"Time apart? We just got together."

Was he serious? What was going on?

"Maybe that was a mistake."


"Just go, okay?"

We had been so physically close only moments before, but now the gap between us felt a mile wide.

He wasn't even looking at me, so without another word I gathered up my clothes and left, closing his door quietly behind me.

I didn't know if I should be mad, or cry, or angry, or upset. More than anything I was confused.

Still in just his big tshirt, I tiptoed down the stairs to my floor, trying to walk as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was probably around 5:00 in the morning, so everything was still and silent.

Except for one person on my floor who looked like he was headed for the gym.

"Ah, the walk of shame," Katsuki said, eyeing me.

I definitely did not need an awkward conversation right now. I went right to my door to unlock it without answering him.

"Hey, dumbass. Are you okay?"

Instead of responding, I leaned my head against my door, dropping my little bundle of clothes and feeling tears start to flow down my cheeks.

"Hey," he said, rushing over and enveloping me in a hug. "Whatever it is, it'll be okay. I'll make it okay."

"You can't," I sniffed, my head against his chest, letting him hold me.

"I said I will, so I will." Katsuki lifted my head so he could see my face, keeping his other arm tight around me.

"You don't want to hear this, Katsuki, but I really like him. And I thought things could be different. I really, really like him. But he thinks... he thinks..."

"He thinks what?"

"I knew I wasn't good enough for him but now I know..."

"Not good enough for him? Did he say that? What are you talking about?"

"We just had this awful conversation and now I feel all broken."

"Look at me, moron. We'll fix it. Haven't you learned that I'm always going to be here for you, that I'll always pick up the pieces for you and put them back together? Yeah, I hate the guy, but I care about you more."

I could see the sincerity in his eyes. The way he was holding me was both ferocious and protective; it was his way of caring and he approached it with the same level of intensity that he did everything else.


At the sound of his voice, my heart sank into my stomach.

Bakugo's arms tightened around me.

"I followed you down here, y/n," Shinso said as he stood at the end of the hall, "because I thought maybe I was too harsh with you just now but..."


"But it looks like I was right all along." 

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