S6- Episode 99~ [Two Wrongs Make A Right]

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Disclaimer: You might want to go back to Episode 70- Unborn. Before you read this episode.

Karen's P.O.V

"I can't believe this." I said smacking my head. "I want to be resurrected." I said crying to Camila who was shaking her head at me.

She wrapped her head around with a scarf and opened up a book. "May the devil be released."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell is she doing?"

Camila closed the book. "You are not getting resurrected young soul. You will remain to be dead."

I stood up and anger took over my body. "This is shocking. You killed me and then you won't even reverse it. You only care about your granddaughters. Not me. I could have nicely stayed at the mental hospital but no. You all just use me when I'm needed. Well you know what. I'm sick of this shit. I'm leaving."

I walked towards the door and my soul froze.

"You are not leaving. I'm sorry Karen. You have to stay." She used her force to shift me to the other side on the room. I toppled on to the floor.

"Please, just let me out!" I shouted.


Jessie's P.O.V

I edited the word document I had on my screen as Dina suddenly appeared.

"Whatcha doing?" She said trying to be more cheerful. The atmosphere in the apartment was not a pleasant one.

"I'm making missing posters for Maya. I'm going to stick them on trees like they do in the movies." I sighed.

"Oh. I'll help you stick them around if you want?" She said.

"Yeah." Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Dina ran over and pulled it open. It was Dan.

Dan smirked with his hand behind his back.

He walked in and walked towards me. "Hey baby girl. I've brought these for you." He brought his arm from behind his back and pulled out a bouquet of roses.

"I know you must be feeling really down at the moment so I thought these roses will make you feel better." He said shoving them in my face.

I grabbed hold of them and looked at him. "Thank you Dan. I really appreciate it. They are lovely." He leaned forwards and gave me a peck.

Dina closed the door and I started printing out the posters.

Soon, Mike arrived.

"Hey guys. I found this outside the door." He said waving a tape about.

"I don't know who left it here. I checked all around the place and there was no one there." He said walking in. I walked towards him and grabbed the tape. There were something written on it.


"Why does it have my name on it?" I shook. Shivers ran down my spine.

"I don't know. Maybe we should watch it?" Mike said putting his hands into his pocket.

"We can't watch this." I shivered. I grabbed hold of the tape. "What if it is of some hypnotist who hypnotises all of us to make us believe that Alice is..."

"Jessie. We are watching it." Dina said putting her hands over the tape.

She took the tape off me and bent down near the video player. I gulped. I clenched my fists tightly. My stomach started to churn. I thought I was going to throw up.

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