S3- Episode 37~ [Rewind #2]

140 8 4

September 14 2017

Jessie's P.O.V

"It's okay. You just need some rest. I'm sure you will feel better soon." I say to Alice as I put my palm on her cheek.

She furrows her eyebrows slightly.

"Why are you being nice to me?" She said looking confused.

"I feel bad for what I did, I just want to make sure you are okay." I said. She was sat up in the bed with the duvet covering her legs. I gave her a place to stay.

"I'm okay." She said.

I pick up the juice I brought for her and place it into her hands. "Make sure you drink this. You will feel better." I said. I watched her as she drank the whole glass of juice and put it down.

"I'll let you rest. Try and fall asleep." I said as she dabbed her face with her sleeve. I stood up and walked out the room giving her a faint smile as I left.

Mike was waiting outside for me. I closed the door behind me.

"Babe, I don't know why you are involving me into this." Mike said putting his hands into his pockets.

"Mike. I really need you to get me some hallucinogens. She'll be knocked out in a couple of hours. Please." I begged him.

"I don't know why you hate her so much." Mike said looking at the door as if he could see through the door.

"You don't need to know now. Please can you just get me some?" I said grabbing hold of Mike's hand.

"Fine, Jessie but you owe me an explanation."

"I'll make it up to you tonight." Jessie smirked.

Mike smiled and left.


Knock knock knock.

I open the door to Dina.

"Hi. Mike told me to give you this. I just saw him outside." Dina passes me a packet of hallucinogens.

"Are these really bad?" I said.

"Depends on the person Jessie." Dina said as she rolls her shoulders.

I allowed Dina to walk in. "It's very risky Jessie. Do you think anyone will know?" She said.

"No. They won't. She needs to go somewhere. I can't do it without your help. Did you get the injections?"

"Yeah I did." She said looking nervous.

"Why are you looking nervous? Don't worry Dina, I'm not going to get you into trouble." I said assuring Dina. "She's fully knocked out now so we don't have much time." I said walking towards the room she was sleeping in.

I sat down at her bed as Dina got the injections ready. I grabbed Alice by the arms and sat her up. I opened up her mouth and poured the crushed up substance in trying to not spill it everywhere. I then gave her water hoping that she would swallow it.

Dina got the injections ready. She crouched down to Alice's arm and rolled up her sleeve. She jabbed the needle into her skin. She absorbed the liquid into her muscle. She took the injection out and rolled down her sleeve.

"Her mouth looks clear."  I said peering inside. She seemed to have subconsciously swallowed it.

Dina packed her things up and we left the room before she woke up.


Alice's P.O.V

My eyes slowly opened. My head ached like hell. I sat up. I had a horrible taste in my mouth. I noticed a glass of water next to me, I put it to my lips and nearly drank the whole glass. All of a sudden, I saw someone on the floor looking as if they were having a seizure. I jumped in my skin.

"Oh my God. Someone help!" I shouted as they shook side to side.


I turned around. I thought I could hear someone. I cupped my ears and closed my eyes. Jessie and Dina walked into the room. I opened my eyes slightly and told them.

"Alice, there's nothing here. You are fine." Jessie said.

"No, there was definitely someone here. Can you look?" I said nervously.

She walked around the room and looked in the wardrobe.

"All clear."



"I can still hear them." I said. My heartbeat accelerated. My breathing rate increased.

"Alice. You need to calm down." Dina said. "We will call for some help okay?" She said as she stroked my arm. I didn't know why this was happening. I must be imagining things.

Dina and Jessie walk out the room. I sink into the bed and cover my whole body and face with the duvet. Suddenly I felt someone poking me from under the bed. I mumbled prayers under my breath. The whispering got louder and louder.

Authors P.O.V

1 hour later....

A group of women walk into the room. Jessie and Dina follow behind. Alice is shaking under the covers whispering to herself.

"Hello Alice."

Alice lifts her head up, she uncovers only half of her face, just enough to get a good view of anyone who came into the room.

"We are from the mental health team. I'm Linda."

Alice shakes her head. "Please murder the monster in the room. There something under the bed. Please help. I'm really really scared." She started to cry.

The mental health team walk around her. "Why don't we take you somewhere safe?" Linda said.

Alice knew what was happening. "Oh my gosh. No. No. I know what is going on. She's done something to me!" Alice said pointing to Jessie. "I'm not going anywhere!"

"Please help me." Alice said grabbing on to Linda's clothes. The other woman helped her off her.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!." Alice said struggling.

"Come on now, I think it's better if you come with us." Linda said.

The two women tackled Alice and helped her out of the door.

"I swear. I will get you back for this." Alice whispered.

The women pulled Alice out of the door and they took her in a company car.

Dina bit her lip. "Are we in trouble?" She said.

"No. They won't believe what she says." Jessie said. "She's gone."

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