S6- Episode 92~ [Black Magic]

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Alice's P.O.V


"Hey." Allie said as she walked down the stairs. "Oh gosh, don't tell me you are playing with that dollhouse again." She said rolling her eyes.

"It's not just any dollhouse thank you." I said trying to arrange the dolls in their different rooms.

"What's so special about it?" Allie said peering over.

"Well sit down and I'll show you." I said patting a space on the sofa. Allie walked around and sat next to me. I picked up a male doll and put it on my lap. I switched my laptop on and put in a password. Allie looked closer.

"Wait, is that Mike?" Allie said leaning forward.

"Yes it is." I smirked. "This doll is very special." I said raising up the male doll. "Punch the doll." I said to Allie.

"A bit weird but okay." Allie clenched her first and punched the doll slightly.

"Ah," Mike said leaning forwards hugging his stomach. "What the hell?"

Allie and I looked at the screen watching Mike.

"What? That's crazy." Allie said in amaze. "So whatever I do to this doll, it will happen to Mike?"

"Yes. Try it again." Allie started tugging the hair of the doll and playing with it. We laughed.


Dina's P.O.V

I sat down at the computer and looked at all of the CCTV footage surrounding Bianca's house.

I watched the entire footage. No sign of anyone entering Bianca's house.

"I've already checked the footage." I startled, I turned around on my spinning chair and Detective Co was stood behind me.

"There is no evidence that she was murdered at the moment." She said with her hands on her hips.

"What? I.. I thought you all know that she was murdered." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know that, I know that, everyone knows that Dina but we don't have any evidence at the moment. Her house wasn't broken into."

"Yeah but she could have got murdered outside of her home. We don't know that for sure." I said.

"See, this is exactly why I don't want to pick up her case. She is NOT going to get the justice she deserves." I walked away to go get a drink. I had to calm myself down.


Jessie's P.O.V

My heart fell when I thought about Maya. I FaceTimed Dan on my phone.


"Hey, how is she doing?"

"She's actually sat on my knee." Dan turned the phone around to face Maya.

"Awww. Baby. Hello! Mummy is here. She misses you. I love you." My heart melted when I saw her giggle.

"Erm. Excuse me? What about me?" Dan said turning the camera back over to himself.

"Okay. I love you too." I said. "I will be back soon to get her. But as long as she is safe, I'm okay." I grinned.

Dina walked through the door abruptly. "Hey. I got to go. Dina's home now. Maya. I miss you. Bye." I switched my phone off and switched my attention to Dina.

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