S7- Episode 102- [The Dollhouse]

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Dina's P.O.V

My head pounded from side to side. I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was all blurry. All I could see was a dark grey wall. I rubbed my eyes continuously as I became conscious. I looked around me and my body filled with trepidation. I was in a room with hardly anything in it expect from a brown box. I ran towards the door and pulled the handle.


I pulled it and vigorously shook it. It was no use, the door wasn't opening. The window was boarded up.

I fell to the floor and started to cry. "Shit. Shit."


Jessie's P.O.V

I shook the brown box. Not a lot of noise was coming out of it. I can't believe I was stuck in this enclosed room. I couldn't breathe.

I stood up and banged on the floor.

"What the fuck! GET ME OUT OF HEAR RIGHT NOW. I  KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" I screamed.

I could see a sensor in the corner of the ceiling. It looked like a camera or speaker of some sort. 


Author's P.O.V

All 4 friends were locked up in separate rooms with no windows.

"Good Afternoon Felons."

A distorted voice came out of the speakers. Jessie, Dan, Dina and Mike both looked up at the direction of the speaker.

"Welcome to your new home. Depending on your behaviour. Your stay here will be tolerable. If you attempt to leave, break out or escape, you will face serious consequences. If you are as evil as you appear, the less torture you will come across. When the alarm goes off once. The doors will open and you will come out of your rooms and walk along the metal corridor towards the work room where you can see each other and work. Food will be delivered to your rooms. Once in the morning and once at night. You may be allowed to leave your rooms if you are involved in an activity."

Dan stood up and banged his fist on the wall. "Why the hell am I in here? I haven't done shit." He said filling up with anger.

"There will be a brown box located in each of your rooms. You shall open it. The item in your box will help you in the torture chamber if it is used properly. You will be all be attended to separately. Good luck."

"What the hell man." Mike said as he leaned against the wall.

They all grabbed their brown boxes.

Dina carefully opened her box and squinted her eyes. She opened it up and looked inside. "Huh?" Inside there were boxing gloves. She picked them up and wondered what they were for.

Dan ripped his box open and tipped it upside down. It was a bat. "What the hell do I need a bat for? I'm going to bash the door down."

Mike kicked his box towards him. He slowly opened it up and looked inside. He furrowed his eyebrows. He picked it up and looked at it closely. They were handcuffs. "What the fuck? Is this some seductive shit?"

The last person to open her box was Jessie. Jessie took a few breaths and slowly opened her box. "Oh my God. It could be mice. Please don't be an animal." She prayed as she opened it. "Please don't be a live thing."
She opened the brown box and saw a scary looking doll.
"Oh god. It's just a doll." She picked the doll up out the box and made eye contact with it.
"Face recognition has been successful."

"What the hell?"

"Mommy. Mommy. Feed me Mommy."
"Oh my gosh." Jessie, threw the doll on the floor panicking. The doll stood up by herself and moved towards Jessie. "Oh my god. It talks." Jessie moved away around the room.



I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. I hope you are ready for new excitement.

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