S4- Episode 57~ [Three's A Crowd]

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2 Days Later

Dina's P.O.V

"Hey Dan. Where's Jessie?" I asked.

Dan was smirking at his phone.

"Dan?" He looked up.

"Erm, she's out with Alexa. They went to a new market place that has opened and they said they are going to eat there too."

Mike looked at me to see my response. "It's funny, she didn't text me." I walked over to the living room and sat down feeling low.

Mike followed me. "Hey."

"She didn't even ask me. We always go to new places together." I said.

Mike rubbed my shoulder.

I turned my head towards Mike. "I'm sorry Mike, I'm acting like a kid. I don't know. I think I'm just not used to Jessie having a new friend because she hasn't had any other friends other than us for such a long time." I said.

"I know, but we have to let her. It's her choice. Why don't we go out for dinner instead? We will go wherever you want to take your mind off it." Mike said putting his arm around me.

"I don't know. I'm not very keen on this Alexa. She's too good to be true. I feel like she's kind of fake." I said.

"You're not just saying that because you are jealous that Jessie's went out with her without telling you?" Mike said.

"No. I'm not petty like that. I honestly feel like she is too good to be true and there is something off about her. But then again, maybe I'm too anxious because of everything that's happened. I don't know how Jessie can trust anyone." I said.

Jessie's P.O.V

"Oh my gosh. Have you seen this necklace? It's on for cheap as well." I said picking up the necklace.

Alexa came over and stared at the necklace with glistening eyes. "Wow. It is really beautiful. I'm sure that it would look so nice on you." She said admiring the necklace.

I picked it up and put it against my neck. "How does it look?" I smiled.

Before any words could escape Alexa's mouth, the salesperson interrupted.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you going to buy that?" I turned around and took the necklace off my neck.

"Erm. We haven't really decided yet." I said politely.

"Well, put the necklace down if you are not going to pay for it. Don't touch the product." He said very sternly.

"How c-" Alexa cut me off and put her hand out in front blocking me.

"I've got this." She whispered.

"Excuse me sir, do you think you are going to get any customers with that kind of attitude? Maybe you should try and speak to your customers more politely and your business might make more profit." She said.

My eyes widened.

"Please leave." The salesperson said. "You are affecting my mood."

"Come on, lets just go Jessie." Alexa said getting annoyed.

I put the necklace down and walked away sadly. I linked arms with Alexa and we walked to the ice cream cart.

"Hey. Can I get a cone please?" I asked.

"Hey. Don't feel too bad." Alexa said smiling.

We continued on looking at all the market places.

"Can we sit on these benches?" I asked. My feet were killing me.

Alexa became quiet. I glanced at her. "What's up?"

"Promise me, you won't kill me." Alexa said.

"What why?" I asked.

"Just promise."

I rolled my eyes. "I promise."

Alexa took out the necklace that was in her bag.

"What the fuck? How did you do that? I didn't like it that much Alexa." I said trying to cover it and hide it.

"I said don't kill me. I know how much you wanted it. I just wanted you to have it." She said.

I took the necklace from her hands and gazed at it. "I should really give it back but I don't think I will." I said mesmerised by the necklace. I looked up and smiled.

"Come on. We better get going."

Dina's P.O.V

I had just finished cleaning all the kitchen of my apartment.

"I need a rest."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door as I sat down. "It's open." I said expecting Mike.

Jessie walked in happily. I didn't really pay attention to her.


I had my eyes fixated on my phone. "Hey." I got up and tried to walk to the kitchen but Jessie grabbed my arm.

"Hey, are you blocking me out? Is there something wrong?" She asked.

I shrugged her arm off and walked to the kitchen. "I'm fine." I said. "Did you have a nice day?"

"I thought I did, but after seeing you, I don't think I did." Jessie said frowning.

"I'm fine seriously, what did you get up to?"

"Dina, stop changing the subject." Jessie said.

I walked back to her. "Look, whatever I say, it doesn't matter to you anymore because you won't believe me."

"What did you want to say?" Jessie said.

"It's about Alexa." I muttered.

Jessie froze. "Okay I know that she might do bad things but she has good intentions." Jessie said nervously.

"Wait. What are you talking about?" I said.


"Jessie, tell me."

"I just want you to know that you are still my best friend even if I am friends with Alexa. That's why I'm going to tell you."

"What happened?" I said intrigued.

"Alexa stole a necklace for me but it didn't happen as bad as it sounds."

"YOU WHAT!" I shouted. "You stole a necklace??? Jessie. You need to put it back."

Jessie rolled her eyes. "Fine. I will."

"You weren't going to were you?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Can't you see that Alexa is a bad influence?"

Jessie felt hurt. "Dina. Are you saying I shouldn't be friends with Alexa anymore?"

"No.. she just reminds me of Alice. The things she does, it's just doesn't seem right." I said.

"You think she's Alice? I've finally feel like I've moved on after such a long time and you want to ruin it by telling me that she is Alice. Dina. Alice is dead. She haunts us but she's dead. Please don't let your paranoia ruin our friendship." Jessie said.

"I know she's not possessed but Alice is not the only evil person in the world." I said.

"Alexa is not evil." Jessie spoke. "Dina. Can you please just be happy for me? If I feel like there is something wrong. I will stay away from her. I promise."

I sighed. I hugged her tightly. "Fine."

I agreed but Dina doesn't back down. I'll make sure I expose that girl. I won't rest until I find out exactly who she is. Don't worry Jessie. I won't let her hurt you.


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