S6- Episode 89- [Inside the Grave]

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Dina's P.O.V

"Detective, Do you know any reason why she would show up at your apartment at night?" The police officer asked.

"No. I'm not sure why. No one called her over. I understood she came for help but by that time, it was too late. I didn't want to contaminate any evidence if there was no chance of her surviving. So I want every DNA sample and sample of the blood tested. Even get the DNA from underneath her fingernails, any evidence you can get. I don't want the person who did this to her to get away." I said to the police officer as I swiftly looked around.

"Yes detective. Will you be taking on this case?"

"I'm not sure." I said with my hand on my hips. "I know her. So probably not."

The police had took Bianca's body and they were closing the crime scene. Thankfully, we were allowed to stay in our apartment seen as though she didn't actually enter our apartment but all the apartments are put in lockdown as the hallway is getting investigated.

I turned around and stared at the others.

"Great, I can't even go home now." Dan said shaking his head.

"It's fine. We will just stay here." I said. "We can just pair up. Dan can sleep in Jessie's room and Mike can sleep in mine." I said pointing at the doors. I nudged Jessie. She made eye contact with me. "We are going to have to hold a funeral for Bianca you know." I said.

"How will we though? We are in lockdown. We can't come out of the apartment until they are done with the crime scene." Jessie said. "It's a shame I wasn't on duty whilst this happened. I'd want to examine her body myself."

My lip quivered. The memory of Bianca sliding down on the floor with her blood shadowing her was stained in my brain.

It was a week later.....

We could thankfully exit the apartment now. Bianca's post mortem was done and they were looking for the murderers.

"We can finally have the funeral now." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Why Bianca?" Jessie said. "She wasn't a threat to Alice and Allie was she?"

I looked up. "It's my fault, she had been seeing things.  They were in her house. She tried to tell me but I didn't help her. Than she became friends with Alice. It's all my fault. I could have saved her if I let her stay here." I said feeling guilty.

"Dina. It's not your fault. You and Mike were in a bad place then as well and it was just before I moved. I think everything happened for a reason."

"Bianca didn't do anything to them though. I don't understand. Why kill her? And in such a brutal way as well." I said getting frustrated. "Sometimes I wish I could just put my hands around her neck and shake the life out of her."

Jessie put her hand on my shoulder. "We might never know." Jessie said.

"Erm. I didn't think I would be standing here again.... Grieving over another person who has passed away. Life is a very sentimental thing and some people think it's funny to take a life away from someone, maybe because they find joy or purpose or purely for pleasure. Maybe because they have so much built up tension from inside. So much emotion they are restraining. Bianca had become a good friend to me. She didn't deserve to be tortured in this way. I'm thankful for all family and friends who have come. I think she would have wanted us to raise her up to heaven happily. I hope the person who took her life gets severely punished and the sentence they deserve. Thank you." I stepped away from the microphone after giving my speech and sat down next to Jessie in the church.

After everyone gave their speeches. We buried Bianca. Everyone stood around and sobbed. I was quite controlled and held my emotions in. I stood still with a neutral expression. I could hear Jessie sob slightly. We walked to the small buffet and I folded my arms.

"I'm going to go now Dina. I need to look after Maya. I'll see you at home yeah?" Jessie said comforting me.

"Yeah. I'll see you then." I nodded.

Jessie's P.O.V

"Maya. Do you want to go and play? Then it's going to be bed time." I said putting Maya down to play. Maya walked to her toys and knocked over the bricks.

"She's so beautiful." I froze and immediately picked Maya up. I heard a voice. Someone was in the apartment. I was silent and listened out.

"No, she's never going to know. Stop it." The whispering continued.

I walked towards the voice hugging Maya tightly towards my chest. I opened the door and looked inside.

"Oh hello Jessie." Ariana said as she jumped down from the counter.

"Who are you talking to?" I trembled.

"Oh no one. Sorry for freaking you out." Ariana said dusting her hands. "Isn't she gorgeous?" Ariana smiled at Maya. Ghost in the house, Ghost in the house. Remain calm Jessie, I told myself.

"Yeah she's mine." I said stepping back. "Please go."

"Jessie. You know we can't leave you alone. You are carrying something we want."

My eyes watered slightly.

"If you just handed her over, she wouldn't get hurt and we would leave you alone." Ariana said.

"You just expect me to hand you over my daughter? To a murderer?" I said.

"Me? A murderer? That's a bit cold especially coming from you." By Ariana said. "Well if Alice can't have her then no one can."

"You are not taking her." I said stepping backwards.

"Jessie. I'm not taking her right now. I'm not putting up a fight. What do you think I am? An amateur?" Ariana said. She walked into a wall and disappeared.

I lightly kissed Maya's forehead.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." I said hugging her.


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