S1- Episode 21~ [Is This The End?]

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Dina's P.O.V

Jessie is finally allowed visitors so I am really excited to go and visit her. I hope she hasn't changed and she is still the same Jessie. I think a mental hospital is enough to make some one go mental even if they weren't already. I took Dan with me instead of Mike. Dan was looking forward to seeing Jessie, much more than Mike was. Mike decided to go to work instead. He wasn't that fussed on seeing Jessie. Maybe he still hasn't got over her cheating on him.

Dan and I went in the car and drove to the hospital. Dan was super excited.
"I can't believe I'm seeing my baby girl after a long time. I still can't believe she is in there. Makes me sick." Dan said as I drove.

"I know. There is nothing we can do about it. In their eyes, she shown them herself that she was mental. No one else was forcing her in." I said.

"I will get her out. All she needs to do now, is prove that she is not mental when she has another mental health assessment."

We arrive at the hospital. I was scared to go in. We sauntered through the doors and signed in with the car registration number as well. There were loads of different units. A woman lead us to Jessie's unit. She seemed mental herself. Everyone in there seemed creepy.

"Visiting time is only 1 hour. Make sure you don't go in any other rooms except from hers. If you need anybody, ring the buzzer." The woman said and than she walked off.

She left us outside a metal door that I was assuming was the door leading to Jessie's room.
The door was unlocked for us and we walked in.

There were two beds. Jessie and another girl were sat on the same bed. Jessie turned and saw me.

"Oh my goodness. Dina." Jessie said. She stood up and ran to hug me. She hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe. She was nearly in tears.

The other girl on the bed just stared at me. "Oh this is-"

"I'm Karen." Karen jumps and scurries over to shake my hand. She smiles at me very weirdly.

"Hi Karen. I'm Dina and this is Jessie's boyfriend Daniel."
I said pointing to Dan.

"It is very very very lovely to meet you." Karen said making her voice change one pitch deeper every time she said very.

Jessie couldn't let go of me. "You don't know how happy I am to see you right now. I've got some exciting news."

Dan and I looked at Jessie. Jessie seemed pretty normal and her usual self which is a good sign.

"I'm going to be getting discharged soon." Jessie said with a smile. "I had my mental health assessment this morning and it went really well. Maybe the girls are done with us after all."

I got worried after she said that. I had a feeling they were not done with us. "That is really great news Jessie. I've missed you so much at home. It's just not the same without you." I said.

Jessie looked around. "Didn't Mike come?" She asked.

"Erm no Jessie. He was busy with work." I said.

"Oh. Okay."

Karen walked closer. "She is not going anywhere."

It falls quiet. "I'm going to have to go soon Karen." Jessie said putting her hand on Karen's shoulder. Jessie whispered to us. "Karen has grew quite fond of me so she doesn't want to see me go."

Karen was definitely not ready to be discharged.
In the hour, we talked and chatted with Jessie. It was so nice to spend some time with her after not seeing her for a while.
After the visiting hours had finished, we headed back towards my apartment where Mike was waiting.

[Dance Academy]

I was so hungry. The leader restricted everyone from eating a lot to keep our bodies slim and slender. I looked in all the cupboards in the kitchen. It was empty. Obviously, my food was the most restricted.

"Why are all these cupboards empty?" I said in a huff. I yanked the drawers open and there was nothing except from a tin of mushroom soup.


I made the decision to run down to the weightlifting department. Hunger got the best of me.
I walked into the department and went into the kitchen. The kitchen had nobody in there.

"Wow."  I said as I walked in.

All the shelves were stacked with snacks and food. My eyes opened widely. There were cupcakes on the counter and sandwiches and chocolate fingers and chicken wings and blueberry muffins.

"Oh my gosh. This is like heaven." I walked over and stopped. I can't eat a muffin. The leader will be annoyed with me. However, I could just burn the calories off and no one has to know. I grabbed the muffin off the counter and took a bite off it.

The piece of cake softened in my mouth and the flavours rested on my tongue.

"Look who it is." I froze.

My back was facing the door but I could recognise that voice from anywhere. I put the muffin on the counter and turned around. I saw Bianca with her arms crossed staring at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Bianca said.

"I should ask you the same question." I said.

"Well I have a friend who is a weightlifter and she just asked me to get some sauce from kitchen. Now your turn."

I turned and stared at the bitten muffin and gulped. I didn't know how to use my self defence here.

"I'm assuming you just came here to stuff your face." Bianca said staring at the muffin.

"It's not what it looks like," I said.

"So is this a regular thing or..?" Bianca said as she reached for the ketchup from the cupboard.

"No, it's my first time here." I said.

Bianca walked back to the door. "You better watch it. The leader might be chasing you up soon if she finds out."
She smiled and she left.

Shit. I sighed. I threw the rest of the muffin in the bin and walked back to the dance department.

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