S2- Episode 35~ [Trapped]

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Alice's P.O.V

I despise the body I'm in. I'm done playing this game. I really hate being Dan, I'm sick of constantly being in a man's body 24/7, I walk into a room that was empty and I lay down and try and come out of Dan's body but I couldn't.

"What the hell?" I couldn't get out. The body heats up as I try and exit the body.

"Oh no. I'm trapped."

Jessie walks in and I sit up.

"Is everything okay?" She said.

"Yeah I'm fine babe. Please go, I'm not in the mood." Jessie gives me a frown and turns around. She walks away and I lay back.

"Come on." I try again but whenever I get up, the body comes with me.

"Shit. What am I going to do now?" I panic. I take a few breaths and realise what I could do.

"I know."

Dina's P.O.V

"I can't believe you would say that. Do you think I'm going to cheat on you like Jessie did?" I said in disbelief.

Mike got frustrated, he stood up. "No Dina. I just don't want you to do the same and go with someone else."

"That's basically saying what I just said." I said pointing to myself.

"I've already said, we don't have to. Why are you making this into such a big deal?" Mike said. His cheeks looked flushed.

"I know we don't have to. I've already made that decision. I'm just mad that you think I have the mentality to cheat on you and that I wouldn't want to do it with you because I will do it with someone else." I said.

"That's not what I said Dina. Fuck sake, why are you twisting my words?" He said.

"But that's what you are basically saying. It kind of shows me that you are not over Jessie yet."

"Dina, take that back, you know I'm over Jessie. I wouldn't have done all of this if I wasn't over her." Mike said.


Alice's P.O.V

Hastily, I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear a voice coming from behind the door.

"It's Alice." Thankfully, I could speak with my own voice.

The door opened and Mia stood there looking horrified.

"OMG it's a boy." She tried to close the door but I held it open.

"Mia! For God sake, it's me Alice. I'm trapped and I need help. Is Gran there?" I said.

Mia brought her face closer and analysed Dan's face.

"Oh, so this is what 'Dan' looks like. He's actually quite good looking." Mia said.

"Eww, Mia stop okay. He's nothing special. Now can you please let me in?" I said getting quite frustrated.

She opened the door wider and I walked in. Allie took notice of me. "Dan, what the hell are you doing in our lair?" She said glaring at Mia.

"Chill. It's me Alice."

Allie furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay.... why did you bring Dan with you? You should have left him there."

I rolled my eyes. "Because I can't get out. I'm trapped."

"Are you actually?" Ariana said walking in. "Wow. Is that how Dan looks? I forgot how good looking he is." Ariana said staring at me, mesmerised by Dan's face.

"Nah. Mike's hotter. You should see him." Allie said.
I roll my eyes.

"Can you fucking get Camila and stop hitting on me?" I said.

Karen sniggered in the corner. "What the hell is she doing here?" I said pointing to the mental spirit sat at the top of the stairs. She turns her head whilst she presses her hand down on her lips.

"Have you all been having a party without me or something?" I said looking at all the mess around.

Karen puts her hands on the step below and crawls down the stairs on her stomach really freakishly.

"I seriously think we should have left her in the mental hospital." I said staring at her sliding down the stairs.

"Oh my goodness." Grandma Camila walks in with a gasp.

"Gran it's me. I'm stuck." I said staring at the ceiling.

"Oh I know my darling, I can sense your aura from here."
She said as she saunters closer to me. She strokes Dan's hair and lifts her head up. "I think we have a problem."

Everyone glanced at her. "What do you mean?" I said starting to get worried.

"I think we may have to perform a vanquishing ritual." She said.

My heart dropped. "What?"

"Won't that vanquish Alice though?" Ariana said.

"You're going to get rid of me?" I muttered.

"It's a risk we are going to have to take my darling. You can't be trapped in a boy forever." Camila said.

"This cannot be happening." I said.

"It will banish you from the body but I'm not sure if it will destroy you completely." Camila said.


Dina's P.O.V

"Yeah, you know you couldn't have her so you thought you would try and get me." I said.

"Dina. Do you even hear yourself? I don't even know why we are even having a bloody argument."

"If you really like me, then I want you to prove it with waiting. I think we should wait." I said.

Mike slightly shook his head. "Fine, we'll wait."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Oh great, this must be Jessie now. You should ask her if she is up to doing anything." I said as I walk to the door.

"Dina. Don't act like a bitch with me. We've sorted it so let's move on." Mike said.

I pulled the door open and see Jessie standing there looking pale. She looked as if she had just blow dried her hair.

"Jessie? What's up?" I said. Mike walks up to the door. Jessie notices all the roses on the floor.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. But it's Dan. I think he's missing and I really need your help. I knew something was up for a while after he pushed me against the wall. He's gone and I'm sure he's possessed." She stood there looking like she was about to cry.

I put my hand on her back and let her come in. "It's fine Jessie, let's go to yours."

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