S2- Episode 36~ [Vanquish or Release]

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Author's P.O.V

Dan's body is laid across a big table surrounded by lights.
All the girls surrounded the table and hold hands.

"You know what to do girls." Camila said.

"I'm scared." Allie said. "What if we lose Alice?" She said.

"We won't hopefully." Camila said grabbing a book. She grabbed some glasses and rested them on her nose. She started reading the words off the page.

The ritual begins and Alice's closes Dan's eyes. She clenched her fists.

Dan's body slightly raises above the table as the girls chanted their words.


"I keep calling and he's not answering." Jessie said to Dina and Mike. She showed the screen of her phone. There was a list of missed calls sent to Dan. They had went back to Jessie's and Dan's apartment.

Jessie looked really worried. "What if I've lost him forever?" She said as one tear dropped.

"He will be fine, besides he hasn't even been gone for a day yet." Mike said.

Dina looks up at Mike. There was still an awkward silence between Mike and Dina.


Dan's body is raised high as the ritual carries on. Alice's screams escape Dan's body until a star-like light shines at the top of Dan's chest. The illusion of fire spreads around the body. The light grew to be bigger until it vanquished all the lights in the room. The room was pitch black. Camila grabbed a light and Dan's body dropped back down to the table and Dan was unconscious. His body laid lifeless on top of the wooden crooked table.

"I think it's done." Allie says nervously. She wasn't sure if it went well or not. She looked around to see if she could see Alice.

"Where is she?" Ariana says looking around.

"She's not here." Mia says looking all over.

Suddenly they heard a rustling sound from behind.

The girls all turn around to the direction of the noise and they saw Alice rise from floor. Her white dress wrapped around her. She pulls her shoulders back and slowly turns around.

"I'm still here bitches." Alice smirked.


"Did you two have a fight before he left or?.." Dina asked.

Jessie stares blankly for a few minutes. She recollected the memory of Dan pressing down on her head as she couldn't breathe under the water.

"Well, he tried to drown me, I got a shock and he got angry and walked away." Jessie said with a blanket around her.

"Well then he might have just went for a walk to clear his head. He might have been ashamed for what he had done." Dina explained. "It doesn't seem like him though. Why would he try and drown you?" Dina said putting her finger on her chin.

Jessie wiped her tears. "I'm sure he was possessed Dina. Dan would never do that to me." She said looking up to her.

"I'm so sorry Jessie." Dina put her hand on Jessie's shoulder and comforted her.


"Please get this wretch out of here. Do you know how everything could be ruined if he wakes up in here." Camila said.

Dan was still unconscious on the table. All the fire had disappeared and only Camila's light gave a little vision in the room.

"He won't remember anything. Make sure he goes back to where he belongs before he wakes up." Camila said.

Allie volunteered to take him back.


Jessie sat near the front of the door waiting for Dan to arrive. She kneeled down and hugged her legs.

"I'm sorry for ruining your night." Jessie sobbed. Dina and Mike turned to her.

"Don't be silly, you just wanted to make sure Dan is safe. There's no harm in that. It's not like we were having a wail of a time anyway." Dina said crossing her arms.

Mike lifted his head up. He slightly shook it in disappointment and put his head back down again. He stared at the floor.


They all lifted our heads up after they thought they heard Dan.

"What the hell!" Dina said. Jessie got up immediately and ran in the direction of the noise. Jessie opened the bedroom door and Dan was laying across the bed awake with blood pouring down to the floor. Jessie couldn't believe her eyes. She thought Dan was going to appear at the front door. Despite the blood, Jessie ran into Dan's arms. Dan hugged her tightly as Mike and Dina just watched.

"What the hell happened?" Dan asked.

"You were possessed Dan but it's all okay now. You are fine. You are safe." Jessie cried.

Dan pulled away. "I was WHAT! I didn't hurt you did I? What happened? I can't remember anything." Dan squashed Jessie's cheeks and pulled her close. He nearly broke down. Jessie grabbed hold of the back of his shirt.

"It doesn't matter. It wasn't you. I'm sorry for not recognising it sooner. I'm so happy that you are here right now." Jessie cried. They both held on to each other as if they had been apart for ages.

"Jessie, I love you." He said breathing heavily on her shoulder. Her hair slightly covered his face.

Jessie pulled away from the hug. She squinted her eyes slightly. "I love you too Dan." She said as she bursted out into a mixture of laughter and tears. She rested her head on his chest.

Mike and Dina lowered their gaze.

"See, why can't we be like that?" Mike said turning his head to Dina.

Dina turned her head around.

"I don't know what got into me before but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. Can we just go back to how we were before the argument? I did really have a nice time tonight. Thank you for the roses, it really made me feel special." Dina smiled.

Mike smiled, he slid his hand around Dina's neck and pulled her closer. He connected his lips to hers and kissed her. He pulled away and gazed into her eyes.

"I'm sorry too."

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