S3- Episode 41~ [Mike's Magic Box]

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Mike's P.O.V

"So basically, like I said. I walked in and then I walked out. I just found it boring to be honest."

I said glaring at Jessie and Dan.


I stand at the entrance ready to go into the confusion house. I turn around and smile at Dina and I look at the rest. The woman signals us to go inside and I strolled in.

My head turned cautiously towards the pictures placed on the walls. They were pictures of illusions.

"What the hell is this?" I just stared at the images. Frustratingly, I found this quite boring.

"Can I just leave?" I said to myself wondering if I could just walk out the exit. I turn around and walk back the way I came. I left the confusion house and looked around. The woman stood at the entrance gave me a confused look.

"Them lot are probably still in there." I guess it wouldn't cause any harm looking around for a bit whilst them come out.

I start walking around the area and I come across a magic show.

"This will be a laugh." I walk into the tent and the show had already started.

"Oops." I said as I caught some eyes to turn around and stare at the disruption that's just walked in.

"Please sir, sit down." One of the workers said to me hastily.

I sat down on the nearest chair I could find.

"Now, we are going to use the magic box to make one of you special people in the audience disappear!" The magician at the front looked very enthusiastic.

"Any volunteers?" The man said out loud. His menacing eyes made eye contact with everyone in the room.

"Late comer, how about you?" He said. His accent freaked me out. I lifted my head up and noticed he was staring at me.

I turned around and the audience was also glaring at me.

"Who? Me?" I muttered.

"Yes, you!" He said.

For God sake, I really didn't want to but I pushed myself unwillingly off my chair with my fists clenched. I drag my feet across the floor and approach the stage.

I walk on to the stage and nearly get blinded by the spotlights.

"Let's applaud my special assistant!" The magician said. He grabbed my arm and patted my back. I forced a smile on my face.

"Now. What is your name?" He said to me. His face up close was more unpleasant then from far.


"Mike? Wow. Now then Mike. All you are going to do for me, is step into that box. Then we will make you disappear." He grinned. His english didn't sound like it was his first language.

"Okay, whatever." I walk into the box and the magician closes the door on me. I could hear him talking and involving the audience to say the 'special words'.

Inside the box was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. I waited for 5 minutes.

"Am I meant to go somewhere?" I seriously didn't know how these tricks worked. I assumed you came out the other end whilst he showed everyone in the audience that you have disappeared.

I turned around and pushed the opposite side slightly but it wouldn't budge. I turned back around and stood patiently. I couldn't hear him talking anymore.

"Can I come out now?!" I shouted.

I still waited.

"What the hell?" I pushed the door in front of me slightly and it became ajar.

"Hello?" I walked out the box and I was horrified.

No pairs of eyes were staring at me. All the seats were empty. Even the magician had disappeared. Were the meant to make me disappear or themselves?

"Haha, very funny. Now everyone, you can come out!" I shouted. My voice echoed in the room.


The room was silent. Where the fuck did everyone go?

Suddenly a black figure came out from the curtains.

"Oh thank God, I was afraid everyone dis-"

A woman walked down with a black veil covering her face. She stopped and stood there in the non existing audience. I froze.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said stood on the stage. "If you are Alice or whoever the fuck you are. Leave me and my girlfriend alone."

The woman uncovered her hand out of her black dress. Her arm extended out in my direction. I gulped. She was holding a note. She remained stood up with her arm extended out. Was I meant to go and grab the note? I didn't know what to do. I slowly walked down the stage and became level with her. She didn't move one muscle of her body. I was so freaked out, I couldn't feel my heartbeat. I held my breath and walked towards her. I snatched the note out of her hand I took a few steps back.

I unfolded the note and read it. "Get."

"Get what?"

Suddenly, she took a step forward. My heart sank. I ran back to the stage and went inside the box. I closed the door and prayed.

"Please, get me out of here. Please get me out. Make her go away. Please put me back in the confusion house." The box was pitch black. Suddenly I heard voices. I stuffed the note in my back pocket and closed my fists.

The door of the box opened and my ears filled with the sounds of clapping and applauding.

I walked out the box and all the seats were filled with people clapping and gazing at me. I turned my head and looked at the magician.

"Thank you for being my assistant!" The magician shouted.

"What just happened? Where did you all go?" I said as the applauding died down.

"You disappeared. Welcome back!" The magician loudly spoke. Everyone started clapping again.

I walked off the stage and stormed out of the tent. I ran back to the confusion house. I saw Jessie and ran to her.


"What the hell? You saw her too." Dan said.

"Yeah. She looked really creepy. She looked like that horror girl. What's her name? Oh yeah, she looked like the scary woman from the Woman In Black." I said.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I didn't see no woman." Jessie said looking perplexed.

"Well Jessie, it's your turn. The last one left." Dan said.

Jessie took a deep breath.


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