S6- Episode 80- [First Words]

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Jessie's P.O.V

"OMG I just realised! It's Maya's Birthday tomorrow!"

"What?" Dina nearly choked on her drink. "How do you know?"

"Because. When she got given to me, her date of birth was on a little card." I said showing her the card that I found in her basket.

"What??? Really. She's going to be one? Oh my." Dina said.

"I know." I said facing Maya. "You are going to be one. Aren't you? Mama is so proud." I said smiling.

"Mama." Maya said.
My mouth fell open. "Did she just say my name? She's a fast learner." I said.

"Yeah I think she did." Dina said chuckling.

"Oh my gosh. You said your first word." I picked up Maya and spun her around. I put her down and sat on the sofa.

"Well when you are not talking to me, you either talk to Maya or Dan so you do talk to her quite a bit." Dina said.

"I know. I get lonely so I talk to her all the time. What a lovely surprise." I said clapping my hands lightly.

"Anyway, we need to plan the party. I'm only inviting us two and the boys, maybe Bianca and Veronica but I'm still debating it." I said tapping my chin.

"Yeah, we don't want to invite too many people or else we will have uninvited guests." Dina said rolling her eyes.

"I know. I'm thinking I should invite Detective Co. Or is that too unprofessional?" I said.

"No, don't invite her, that would be too awkward." Dina said shaking her head.

"Okay, I'll cross her off." I said crossing her name off. "Ugh, this is stressful, I need a cake and present and decorations." I said massaging my forehead.

"Well me and Mike are going shopping later so we will pick up some stuff for you." Dina said as she looked at Maya.

"Thank you, that would be more help."

"Jessie?" Dina said curiously.


"I was just wondering. Are you sure it's Maya's first birthday and she's not 2 or 3?" Dina said in a higher tone.

I looked over at Dina and then at Maya. "What makes you think that?"

"Maya is quite a big girl. She has already started walking or waddling, and now she has started saying words." Dina said.

"Maybe, you are right. She does act older than one. But that means I missed her first birthday." I said with my eyes lowered.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter right? We have her now and she will have many birthday's to come." Dina said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I really want this birthday to be special because I might never get to spend another birthday with her. What if Alice takes her or does something." I said as my tears watered.

"Let's forget about Alice. Let's just focus on her birthday okay?" Dina said smiling.

"Yeah, you are right."


Dina's P.O.V

Mike and I held hands as we walked to the shops.

"I like shopping with you." I said as I rested my head on his shoulders for two seconds whilst we walked.

"I do too." He said.

"Oooh. Look at these small shoes. They are gorgeous." I said.

"You should get them." Mike said.

"This would be a nice present. I'm sure these would fit Maya. She's got quite small feet." I ran inside and payed for the shoes.

"I wonder what it would be like if we had a kid." Mike said smirking.

I looked up and stared at him. "No no. Not now. I'm not ready." I started laughing. "But it would be nice." I said.

"I can't wait." Mike laughed.

"They will probably be crazy like you." I said grinning.
Mike shook his head.
We went to a couple more shops. We went inside the cake shop and ordered a cake.

Author's P.O.V

"So would I be able to have a three tier cake with pink rose petals." Said one of the customers.

"Of course you can. Our best baker can make anything. Her name is Alexa. I will write your name and number on here for her." Said the shopkeeper. The customer walked out.

"There are so many." Dina said tugging Mike's t-shirt.

"Let's just ask for something simple." Mike said walking to the counter.

"Hi. How can I help you? My name is Esme and we can make your cake!" Said Esme pointing to her name tag.

"Hi. We just wanted a simple cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Maya' written on it." Dina said.

"Oh yes. Something simple? I totally get you. Like big cakes are so overrated. Any way you can just choose which colours and design you want on this sheet and I will give it to our baker. It also has all the details you need to fill in." Esme smiled.

"Okay. Thank you." Dina and Mike filled out the order sheet and handed it back.

"Thank you, we will deliver it as soon as possible." Esme said. "Goodbye."

Dina and Mike walked out of the shop. Esme walked through to the back where the bakers were.

"They came. I've got your sheet." Esme said handing a sheet to Alice.

She grabbed the sheet and read Mike's and Dina's name on it. "Thanks Ari." Alice smirked to herself.

Jessie's P.O.V

"I can't reach it." I said trying to stick the balloon on the wall. My foot tripped and I slipped off the chair. "Aaagh!" I shouted until I landed in somebody's arms. I clenched my eyes closed and opened them slowly. It was Dan.

"Oh thank goodness." I stood up properly and Dan smiled. "You need to be more careful. What if you hurt yourself?"

"I won't." I smiled.

Suddenly Dina and Mike walked in. "Good news. The cake is ordered and I got the most cutest presents for Maya." Dina said excitedly.

"Speaking of Maya, where is she?" Mike said.

I looked around and I couldn't see Maya. My heart started beating immediately quicker. Fear filled me. I walked into the corridor and saw Maya trying to climb the stairs.
"Maya stop!" I ran and picked her up.

"Why are you trying to get up the stairs? No. Come on." I brought her back into the living room and sat her down.


It's the last of the build up before it gets interesting. I hope you enjoyed!

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