S4- Episode 51~ [Baby Killer]

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Dina's P.O.V

Jessie stayed to chat with me. Dan had gone home and Mike was chilling in the living room probably playing play station or binge watching Netflix.

Jessie and I had a good chat. She threw the duvet over her legs and sat beside me in my bed.

"Mike is going to be putting protection prayers up and I have also ordered protection bracelets for us to ward off the evil eye." Jessie said.

I smiled at her. "Do you really believe in that stuff?" I said.

"Dina. We can see ghosts, I pretty much believe in anything right now and besides, I've been reading too much into it. I've also seen Alice's behaviour when protection is used anyway. She runs for the hills."

I chuckled. "You are funny."

"You know.... Dina. Us two have spent our time locked away. Do you think that will happen to Dan and Mike?"

I gazed at the duvet that was covering me and lowered my head. "I hope not. I think they would handle it much better than us to be honest." I said.

We both looked at each other and sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "Yes, Alice and Allie got me into the mental hospital but they didn't control it whilst I was there. So I would imagine, that it was much more difficult for you. You were practically living with them or.... underneath them." Jessie said to me. My mind diverted back to all the memories rushing to my brain. Isolated in the red room with nothing to do expect from looking at the dry paint. The funnest thing to do was probably playing hide and seek with a mouse who was a much better player than you.

"Well it was horrible, but I'm here now aren't I? I'm safe here. I have you and Mike to keep me company. I can safely say I didn't get any shocks." I said. Jessie started to think about her time spent in the mental hospital. I'm sure she had got shocks during her stay which made her become more silent when she came out. It was good to see that she had become more outspoken again.

"Yeah. Then again, I had Karen. I can't believe she's gone." Jessie said looking sullen.

"Hey. You told me that you have a sixth sense now so-"

"Third eye. I got my third eye open. I don't know if there is any difference." Jessie said glancing at me.

"Either way. You can look at this positively. You can see Karen now. You can still talk to her."

"Yeah but she doesn't know I can see her, so she will never come to me." Jessie said. "It's too dangerous."

I felt much better talking about the past to Jessie. Even though I had the downfall of not being able to walk. Jessie helped me emotionally. I'm glad that she is here to comfort me. "I know it is. It's in our best interest if we stay away."
I said.

"I think I know who brought them back." I mumbled. I looked up and met Jessie's eyes. "Camila."

"Their grandma?" Jessie said.

"Yes. I saw her there, I'm pretty sure." I scowled.

"Well at least we know who to look out for." Jessie said. "I just wish this was all over." Jessie said rolling her eyes and sighing.

"It won't be over until we get rid of their spirits entirely. She brought them back and we need to get rid of them once and for all."

"It wouldn't be the first time." Jessie whispered.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing. Didn't you need to go to the toilet?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at my wheelchair. "Unfortunately, I need your help to get me in the wheelchair so I could go to the toilet."

Jessie started smiling. "What are best friends for?"

Jessie got out of the bed and helped me.

Dan's P.O.V
I got in really tired. I took my jacket off and threw it on to the sofa. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and opened the door. I froze. On the wall there was a frame hung up on the wall. I walked closer to the frame and examined it. It was a picture of a baby in a basket. It had a cute smile and it looked like it was playing with a toy. "I don't remember Jessie putting this up."

I turned around to face the rest of the room and my eyes opened widely. "What the fuck?"

There were frames hung up on the walls. Some were cute but some were disturbing. The full room was covered in all these images of babies and children. There were images of babies playing and babies holding props. There were photo shoots of loads of different babies and children.

"I don't think Jessie did do this." I walked closer to the frames and looked at them closely. There was a piece of paper in one of them. I took the piece of paper out and looked around to see if anyone was there. I unfolded the piece of paper and read the words.

"Gosh, they do like their notes don't they." I said looking at the paper. You would think they would be more mysterious and horrifying seen as though they were poltergeists. I could imagine them writing my name on the condensation of a glass window instead of writing pathetic notes like this.
I looked at the words on the piece of paper and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I thought she told you."

I was confused. "Told me what?"

I threw the piece of paper on to the floor and noticed that the duvet on the bed had risen. It looked as if there was something underneath it. I looked around the room again to see if anyone had come. I walked closer to the bed and slowly pulled the duvet away. I stepped back immediately after I saw what was under there.

There was a scary looking doll underneath the covers. The eyes of the doll were blood shot. She had blonde hair. Words escaped the dolls mouth in a robotic way.
"Save me. Save me."

"What the fuck!" I grabbed the doll and threw it on to the floor as quick as I could. It was creepy as fuck.


I stepped backwards and froze. Petrified, I stared at the doll lying on the floor. It looked like something you would see in a horror movie.

The doll laid there dead as if it was a child that had been killed.


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