S5- Episode 63 ~ [Baby In A Basket]

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1 month later....

Dina's P.O.V

"Guess what babe?" Mike said popping his sexy face through the door.

He joined me at the counter. He was in a brilliant mood. He had an excited tone and a cheerful smile.

"You are in a good mood." I smiled.

"I am. Guess what?" Mike said leaning closer.

"Erm. You got a promotion and you are going to replace Jordan as deputy?" I said wishing that was true.

"I wish but no."

"You found another girlfriend and you want to spend the rest of your life with her." I said shaking my head.

"Hell to the no."

"You got me a pet dog!"


"Okay just tell me." I said giving up even though it would have been nice to get a dog.

He brought out two tickets. I tried to peer at them to read what they said.

"What are those?" I said.

"These..... are our tickets to a holiday getaway. Just you and me and before you ask me about work.... Detective Co give us the time off because we solved the recent case very well." Mike said grinning.

"Yeah that was a really tough case." The case was about a child who had been murdering all his foster parents one by one every time he received a new family. 

"I honestly didn't think it was the kid you know." I said.

"Anyway... we are going on holiday!" Mike said waving the tickets in my face.

"Are you serious?" I said trying not to smile. "Are you actually being serious? You are joking."

"No I'm not joking babe." Mike said laughing to himself.

"So you are actually being serious?"

"Erm yes. Do you want to know where we are going?"

I looked at the tickets. "Yes!"

"We are going to..... Barcelona!"

"Oh my God!" I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let him go.

"You are the best!" I shouted.

I broke away from the hug. "We have to tell the others."

"Tell us what?" I heard a muffled voice coming from the door. I strolled over to the door and opened it. Jessie and Dan were stood there grinning.

"You eavesdroppers." I said letting them in.

"Sorry, we couldn't help it." Jessie laughed. "So what were you guys talking about?"

"We are going on a holiday!!!" I screamed.
Jessie didn't look very happy.

"You are what?"

"We are going to Barcelona. Me and Mike."

"Oh. Okay." Jessie said.

"Yeah. I just think me and Dina needed it. It would give us a break from everything." Mike said.

Dan and Jessie looked at each other.
"You guys don't feel too bad do you? I'm sorry I didn't get 4 tickets. It's just that me and Dina hardly get anytime alone." Mike said trying to cheer them up.

"No. We are not. Go ahead. I hope you guys love it. After everything that has been going on. It's good to take your mind off it. Make sure you don't be too naughty though." Jessie said smiling.

"Thank you Jessie. We will be back before you know it." I said.

"We understand. I hope you guys have a nice time." Jessie said.

"Yeah." Dan shrugged his shoulders.


Bianca's P.O.V

Sipping my coffee, I scrolled down Instagram to pass time. Peculiarly, a vase fell to the floor. I looked up immediately and stared at the vase. Suddenly, the table that was presently in front of me aggressively moved backwards. Petrified, I stood up.

"Is anyone there?" I called out.

Fear ate my insides. Someone or something was there but I didn't know what.

"If someone is there then come out." Frankly, there was no movement. Even though I was still apprehensive. I sat down and chose to ignore it."

Jessie's P.O.V

I slipped in to my pyjamas and walked to the living room. I was alone. Dan told me he wasn't coming today. I jumped on to the sofa and grabbed the remote. Before I was able to switch the TV on, there was a knock at the door. I turned my head and stared at the door.

"Who could it be at this time? I'm not expecting anyone." I got up and walked towards the door. Once I opened it, I noticed there was no-one there. Putting my foot out, I leaned my head forward and looked left and right to see a shy figure but no one was there.

"Who the hell knocked?" I walked back in to my apartment and closed the door.
Don't you just hate it when you just get comfortable on the sofa and then you have to get up?

I pressed the 'on' button on my remote peacefully, I finally get some time all by myself.
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. Obviously, someone was playing a practical joke on me. I rolled my eyes and got up again. It was the last time I was getting up. I walked to the door and took the double lock off. I opened the door and no one was there again. Suddenly, something caught my eye. There was a large basket on the floor in front of my door. The basket was quite big.

"What the hell?" I looked around to see if anyone was around. No-one was around.

"Did someone leave me a gift?" I said smiling.
Horribly, knowing that Alice and Allie were living close by. It could be a bomb for all I know.

"I think I should just leave it here." I mumbled to myself.
I walked back into my apartment until I heard a sound coming from the basket. I was just about to close the door and then I froze. It didn't sound like a ticking noise at all.

I walked slowly towards the basket and crouched down. There was a blanket covering something. I slowly pulled the blanket down to reveal what was under it.
My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. There was a little card at the side with a date and time written on it.

I stared at what was inside the basket.

"Oh my gosh..... it's a baby."


It's Season 5!!!
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