S4- Episode 59~ [Welcome Home, Allie]

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Allie's P.O.V

"Oh my God. My feet are actually touching the ground." I said as my body stood up. I looked in the mirror and felt my face.

"It's like you reversed time. My body is not rotting anymore." I said gleefully.

"Yeah, that's because you are alive honey." Camila said admiring her work.

"This is truly unfair." Karen wrote on a piece of paper. "Just because I can't see you anymore Karen doesn't mean I can't hear you."

"You can hear me?" Karen muttered. "Something must have went wrong with the ritual."

Camila checked her book. "You are not meant to be able to hear Karen dear. Ariana, speak."

"My body is burnt. Gone. I find it very unfair that I'm the only one that can't be resurrected. Bitch." Ariana said scornfully.

"Yes, I can hear Ariana." I said.

"Oh doesn't matter, take it as a positive." Camila said. "Where will you stay though?"

"I'll just hide out with Alice once I'm found."

"Do you think that will be such a good idea?"

"Trust me." I said holding my grandma's hand for the first time in ages.

"Just remember one thing, and tell this to your sister. If you die again. You are gone forever."

Dina's P.O.V

I knocked on Jessie's door and peeped my head through.

"Hey, can we talk?" Jessie was sat on her bed. She turned to look at me and smiled softly.

"Yes sure."

I walked in and sat down by her side. "I just wanted to ask you a question."

"What's that?"

I gulped. I wanted to approach this differently. "Did you happen to tell Alexa about you cheating on Mike."

Jessie frowned. "What? No? Why would I?"

Just as I suspected. "Well. Alexa told Mike how pleased you were that you had gotten away with cheating on him."

Jessie stood up at once. "What? I never said anything to her about that. I am ashamed of it. I shouldn't have done that to Mike. Especially after he caught me red handed."

I looked down at the floor. "He was pretty angry." I lifted my head up and stared at Jessie.

"Look. Alexa is bad news. She is causing trouble. Are you still willing to be friends with her?" I said tiresomely.

"Maybe this was all a plan. To make me fall out with her. She didn't actually say those things did she?"

"Oh my God." I said falling on the bed.

"Jessie. No, Mike wouldn't lie. She did say those things and my thoughts are how?"

"What do you mean how?"

I stood up to level with Jessie. "If you didn't tell her about you and Dan. Then how did she know?"

"I have a very scared feeling about this."

Suddenly, the boys knocked on the door.

"You both have got to see this. Get in here now!" Mike and Dan shouted.

Me and Jessie both looked at each other before we ran into the living room. The boys had the TV paused. They pressed play on the news.

"Allie Ramirez, one of the Ramirez Triplets was found at the lake this afternoon. Reporters have reported that she had been in hiding for years and has suddenly been found, informing the police that she is the only one of the triplets to survive the school bus collision after her sisters were buried or cremated. Allie was finally found after her disappearance during the incident. More information will be given on the appearance of Allie. Where was she? How is she alive? Coming up next."

"This cannot be happening." I said.

"Everyone can see her. She's not a ghost." Dan said.

"Either someone's possessed her or she's alive." Mike muttered.

"No, she can't be alive?? How is she alive?" Jessie said getting worked up.

"This is so not happening. She's been resurrected." I said.

"What?" Dan said.

"Camila has found a way to bring her back from the dead." I said. "But if she found a way to do that then why didn't she do that to Alice. She's kind of the ring leader."

"Maybe she already has." Said Jessie.

Alice's P.O.V

I nearly choked on my chips as I stared at the live footage of Jessie's living room.

"Why the fuck is Allie on their TV?" I said clearing my throat with water.

"Allie's on the what?" Mia said jumping up from her stool. She walked over to the sofa and stole a chip from my bowl.

"She's alive."

"She just can't go on without copying me can she? She always has to have her own way." I said angrily.

"Well maybe she wanted to live her life again. Have a second chance at growing up and getting married and having kids..."

"Shut your trap." I said to Mia who was clearly getting carried away. "She is going to fuck up my plan. They are clearly watching her on TV, they are going to know I'm alive as well." I said pointing to the screen showing Dina, Mike, Jessie and Dan crowding round the TV.

Before Mia could get her words in. The door went.

I walked to the door and opened it with a sweet smile. My smile fell as soon as I saw who it was.

It was Allie.

"Woah, you look different." Allie said staring at my face.

"Yeah, I don't look like you anymore." I said. "What the fuck are you doing here? You are meant to be dead. And what the hell? At the lake? What a horrible story? Who's going to believe that you have survived all those years at a lake with no food or water?"

Allie folded her hands. "I have it all sorted out. Can I please live here?"

"Are you stupid? You can't live here! What if they find out?" I said nearly shutting the door on Allie. She put her hand out in front.

"I'm living here Alice. Now move." She said harshly. She walked in hugging Mia.

"Great. Now the media people are all going to be up in my business too."


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