S5- Episode 70~ [Unborn Rewind #3]

108 8 15

Author's P.O.V

March 25th 2017


Jessie put her hand to the door and knocked.

She waited patiently until the door opened. Suddenly, the door opened slowly. Alice stood at the front door.

"Jessie, what the hell are you doing here?" Alice said placing her palm at her stomach.

"I just needed to talk to you." Jessie pushed past Alice and walked inside the house. Alice closed the door behind her.

"About what? Can't you just leave me alone?" Alice said frustratedly.

"I just don't understand. How many times am I going to have to tell you to stay away from my boyfriend?" Jessie muttered gravely.

"I can't okay." Alice said.

"You are the biggest boyfriend stealer I have ever seen. Mike will never like you." Jessie exclaimed defensively.

"Well what if he did? What if he liked me more than you? You just wouldn't be able to cope with that would you?" Alice whispered.

"You are a bitch. You really think that he will like some loser like you?" Jessie said facing Alice with red eyes.

"Well it seems like he likes losers seen as though he slept with me and he is dating you." Alice said cockily.

Jessie started laughing as she held her sides. "You are funny. Sleep with you? I knew you were always crazy but I never knew you were delusional as well."

Alice grabbed Jessie's arm and gripped it tightly. "You want proof? I'll show you proof." Alice dragged Jessie up the stairs and pulled her into the bathroom.

"One minute. My sisters will be back soon and the quicker you leave, the better." Alice said rummaging through the cupboards.

"Here it is." Alice pulled out pregnancy test. "Take a look at this. Can you see the two lines on here? Yeah that means positive. I've got Mike's baby inside of me and when he finds out, I don't think he will look at you twice."

Jessie clenched her fists. Anger filled her body up. "You liar. Do you think I'm going to believe that? That's Mike's baby? You probably got knocked up by that man whore Damien."

"Excuse me? Why would I lie? Mike likes me-"

"Enough! I just can't. I can't let you have Mike's baby." Jessie said shaking her head.

"Oh. So you believe me now?"

"No. I don't believe you because I don't even believe that he would sleep with someone like you." Jessie said tutting. She looked up and down at Alice.

"Can't you just get out of my house and leave me alone?" Alice said.

"Not when you are planning on stealing my boyfriend." Jessie said.

"Just get out!" Alice screamed. She grabbed hold of Jessie's arm and dragged her towards the stairs. Jessie's shoes screeched against the floor as her feet slid across.

"Let go of me you bitch." The girls struggled at the top of the stairs. Alice tightly gripped Jessie's arm painting pink crescent marks on her skin. Jessie tried to indent Alice's skin with her nails to try and get her off.

"Get off." Jessie yanked Alice's arm back and threw it in the direction of the stairs. Alice lost her balance and went with her arm. She tripped and rolled down the stairs one by one ending with a thud on her stomach. She screamed in pain and grabbed hold of her stomach.

"Aah." She turned on her back and cried in pain. The high pitched scream startled Jessie. Jessie ran down the stairs staring at the horror of Alice lying at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh my God." Jessie ran out of the house as quick as she could whilst Alice screamed at the bottom of the stairs.


"Hey." Allie said as she walked into the hospital room. She closed the door quietly.

"Ariana has got your results." Allie said looking heartbroken after she found out the results.

"What were they? Tell me. What happened? Is it okay?"

"Alice. Erm, I don't know how to tell you this."

"Tell me what? Please get to it." Alice said panicking.

"The midwife said... that. That you have had a miscarriage." Allie said biting her lip, afraid to see Alice's reaction. "I'm so sorry Alice."

"No. No. It's not gone. It's here." Alice said pressing down on her stomach.

"Alice. It's gone. It's not coming back."

"No. NO!" Alice fell on Allie's shoulder. She broke down into tears and screamed. "Let it out." Allie said patting Alice.

Ariana walked in to the room. "Is she okay?" She came over and hugged Alice from the other side.

"Don't worry Alice. I will help you get your revenge." Ariana said.


"Hey Mike, can I speak to you?" Alice said as she walked up to Mike.

"Hey Alice, I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Mike said putting his hands into his pockets.

"I haven't been well at all." Alice explained.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk here. Someone might see us."
Mike said pulling Alice's arm behind the bushes.

"Okay. What's up?"

Alice took a deep breath. "You got me pregnant Mike."

Mike nearly choked on his own spit. "What?"

"Yeah. Don't hold your breath. I've lost it." Alice mumbled.

"What do you mean you have lost it?" Mike said.

"Jessie pushed me down the stairs and I lost it." Alice said putting her hands together.

"Alice, look. Whatever happened between us, was a one time thing. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done it. You don't need to lie to me." Mike said.

"Mike, I'm not lying."

"Jessie warned me that you get like this when you get a little bit obsessed with someone or something."


"Alice. I have to go."

"Mike. I'm not lying. I can prove it to you. I really was pregnant. I was going to tell you when I was but I couldn't. Jessie stopped me!" Alice shouted. Mike didn't believe her. Alice felt hurt.

Mike walked off and was soon out of view.

Alice shook her tears back. "I'm not going to let her get away with this. I'll make her feel what's it's like to lose her own child. You watch."


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I just want to give a shoutout to icewolfrocker_248  theonlyadebola lostgirl_1221 Afterfangirl8
For coming on this journey with me.
Thank you guys.

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