S6- Episode 81- [Bloody Cake]

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Jessie's P.O.V

Dina held Maya's small hand and brought her into the living room.

"Awww. How cute." She was wearing her brand new dress with a little laced bow wrapped around her waist. Her dress was burgundy with a lighter pink rim.

"You look adorable." I said kneeling down to her. I stood back up.

"The guests are going to be coming soon." I said.

"Oh so you invited Veronica and Bianca then?" Dina muttered.

"Yes. I did. I thought why not? You don't think it's going to be awkward that Veronica and Dan are going to be in the same room again do you?" I worried.

"They have been broken up for a very long time Jessie, I don't think you need to worry." Dina assured me.


All the decorations were up and everything was set. Suddenly the door bell went.

"This might be them." I walked to the door and opened it.

There was a young girl carrying a big box.

"Can I help you?"

"You ordered a cake? My name is Esme, I just came to drop it off." Esme said smiling.

"Oh, the cake. Thank you." I grabbed the cake off her and said goodbye. I shut the door with my leg and brought the cake inside.

"Let's see it then." I opened up the box and saw the cake.

"It's actually quite nice. Simple but nice." I said eyeing the cake.

"Yeah, we didn't really know which one you would have wanted after you saw all the options so we just went for a simple one." Dina's said looking at the cake.

All of a sudden, the door went again. "Okay, this must be them now." I opened the door again and saw Alice. My heart stopped for a second.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said.

"I just wanted to wish Maya a happy birthday." Alice said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. You can't see her. Goodbye." I shut the door in her face and turned around.

"She always has to show her face doesn't she?" Dina said crossing her arms.

Soon, Bianca and Veronica turned up.

"Hello, I'm very glad you guys could come." I said stood at the door.

Veronica and Bianca walked in to the living room.

"Thank you for having us over." Veronica smiled.

"Oh it's fine. We have some refreshments and snacks over there and we have drinks over there." I said pointing to where everything was.

"Ooh. I see sausage rolls." Veronica ran over to the table.

"How have you been Bianca?" Said Dina.

Bianca shrugged her shoulders. "I've been okay. Nothing crazy has been happening in my house so."

"That's good." Dina replied.

Maya said hello to everyone and accepted all of her gifts.

"I hope she likes mine." Bianca muttered.

"Maya. Are you going to help mum open the presents." I sat Maya on my lap and we opened the presents together.

We unwrapped the wrapping paper and looked inside.

Maya started clapping her hands. Bianca has bought her a Peppa Pig camper van. "Say thank you."

"When I have to do the cleaning, she will just sit and watch Peppa Pig." I said to Bianca.

"I didn't even know she liked Peppa Pig." Bianca started laughing.

"What a coincidence."

"My turn." Dina said picking up her present. It was a rather large and heavy present.

"Ooh what's this?" I helped Maya open the present. Maya started at it in amazement.

"It's a dollhouse." Dina said looking pleased with herself.

"Wow. This must have cost a lot."  I said.

"Ever since I was little, I wanted to have a dollhouse so I thought I would get Maya one."

"Aww, she's going to love it. She can't stop staring at it." I grinned. I've never seen Maya more happier. We opened all the rest of the presents. Veronica bought her a rocking horse. Mike bought Maya a little easy puzzle and Dan bought a new pushchair.

"Thank you everyone for buying Maya presents. You all didn't have to." I thanked everyone.

The party went well and we played music from the speakers. Soon it was time for the cake.

"It's time to cut the cake!" I said. Everyone crowded round to cut the cake. I picked Maya up and grabbed the knife.

"First we need to sing happy birthday." I said. Everyone started singing together.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Maya. Happy birthday to you."

"Hurray." Maya got excited with all the attention showering her. They all started clapping.

"Let's cut it. Yaay." I sliced the cake and pulled a slice out. Suddenly something caught everyone's eye. My smile slowly curved downwards. My face fell as a pool of blood leaked out of the cake and leaked all over the floor.

"Oh my God. Take Maya." Dina took Maya into the bedroom. Everyone stared at the mess created on the floor.

"What is that?" Veronica said looking scared.

"That is blood. It's definitely blood." I said crouching down to look at it carefully. There was a hole in the cake filled with blood.

"Oh my gosh. This is a disaster. No one is getting cake now."

"It's fine Jessie. Obviously this was a prank, we can just buy a cake from the supermarket. Me and Mike will go now." Dan said getting his keys.

"Thank you Dan." Dan and Mike got there stuff and headed out to get another cake.

I bet this had something to do with Alice.

"I'm going to leave." Said Bianca. "I'm sorry Jessie."

"I might too." Veronica said.

"It's fine guys. You can all go." I said.

"The blood is making me nauseous." Veronica said holding her stomach.

They all walked out.

I sat myself down on the sofa and buried my head in my hands.

"Well Maya is napping." Dina said walking into the living room.

"The party was a disaster." I said.

Dina came over to me. "No it wasn't. Come on, I'll help you clean up."

"Let's just hope someone didn't die to make this cake."


Author's P.O.V

Alice took all the dolls out of the dollhouse and placed them in the living room. She got a table spoon of blood and spilt it in the little room.

She smiled to herself.


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