S3- Episode 49~ [Minds In a Coma]

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Jessie's P.O.V

I stared at Dina in the hospital. The doctor told us that Dina had fallen into a coma. She still hadn't  woke up yet. I placed my palm on to the window and look through the glass. I had never seen Dina look so helpless and vulnerable.

"Look at her, she looks so lifeless." Mike said walking up to me.

"That's my best friend and I didn't do anything to help her." I said with my eyes fixated on Dina.

Suddenly a doctor walked out of the room. Mike rushed to the doctor. "Can we see her?" Mike asked.

The doctor glanced at me and looked back to Mike. "Yes. You are allowed to see her if you would like."

Mike and I hurried in as quick as possible even though it wasn't like she was going anywhere.

Mike's P.O.V

I sat down next to Dina on the hospital bed. Her hand was wrapped up in bandages. So was her head.

"I'll leave you two alone." Jessie said. She walked out of the hospital room. I turned to Dina and picked up her hand. I held it closely and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Dina." I said, hoping that she could hear me. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I failed you as a boyfriend. I-"

"Excuse me Mike." I turned around and saw Dan stood beside the door.

"I don't want to interrupt but I think someone you know is here." He said looking outside the door.

"I'll be out in a sec." Dan nodded and he walked back out. I looked at Dina and slowly placed her hurt hand back down by her side. I got up and walked outside.

I turned to my right and saw Bianca. The girl who had tricked me into sleeping with her by using drugs.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said furiously.

"Please Mike, just listen." Bianca said.

"Why should I listen to you? After everything you have done to me and Dina. You made Dina feel like shit. You probably wished this upon her and now you dare to come here and act like your sorry." I said.

"Mike. I know I was a bitch to both, you and Dina. I get that your angry but I just want to make things right. I know I'm probably the last person you would want to see but I just want to help." Bianca said. Her tone seemed different than normal. There was guilt and softness in her voice unlike her normal bitchy tone.

"There is nothing you can do to help Bianca. I really don't need you here right now."

"Well I'm not going anywhere Mike. I'll just sit here." Well, she's back using her usual tone.

"Don't you know how late it is? Just go home." I said getting really annoyed. She really was the last person I wanted to see right now.

"I'll spend the night here." Bianca said. "I'm not leaving here until she wakes up."

"Well, we don't know when that's going to be and besides, there is already two of us staying the night here. You probably won't be allowed." I said.

"I've already got permission to."

"What? How the hell did they let-"

"If you just listened to me, then you would know w-"

"I don't want to know. Just stay out of my sight yeah?" I said sternly and I walked back to Dina.
Even though our conversation, Bianca still stayed the night. I wonder why she wouldn't back out. She doesn't even like Dina.

Dan went home and Jessie and I stayed the night. We sat on chairs near Dina's hospital bed. It was so hard to sleep on the chair. I lifted my head up and rested it on Dina's bed. I put my arm safely around her and tried shutting my eyes. I gazed at her condition as I lifted my head up. I rubbed her arm slightly and whispered. "It's going to be okay Dina."

Suddenly, Bianca had caught my eye. I stared through the transparent window and saw Bianca drifting off in the chair.

"Why has she bothered to stay?" I rolled my eyes and tried to get some sleep. I must have fell asleep because I couldn't remember anything else happening that night. It was the morning. The sunshine woke me up. I rubbed my eyelids and looked up. The first person I saw was Dina. Her pale skin was still resting and she was still in her coma. I sighed. I could see Jessie outside the window. She was giving a drink to Bianca who was awake. Jessie popped her head through the door.
"I was wondering if you were awake or not." She said.

"Yeah, I am." I said lifting my arms up and stretching. I had a very restless night, I couldn't find a comfortable position. I could feel the pain in my back as I brought my shoulders back.

She walked closer to me and handed me a cup. "I brought you a coffee from the little café downstairs." She said with a monotone.

I grabbed hold of the cup and thanked her. She walked back around Dina's bed and sat on a chair. "No one has came to see her yet." Jessie said mentioning the nurses.

"Well, there hasn't been any movement, so I'm not surprised." I said looking at her monitor.

"Dina, come on. If you can hear me, then we are all worried about you. Please wake up." I said.

Jessie sighed. We both just gaze at Dina's body lying there unconsciously. Suddenly the lines on the monitor started to raise slightly. The monitor started beeping. Jessie's eyes widened.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Jessie and I both stand up immediately. "Oh my God! She's waking up!" The nurses came rushing in and started checking her pulse. They checked her oxygen mask and I saw movement in her eyelids. She was opening her eyes. The lines on the electrocardiogram raised higher. She started breathing heavily. Her eyes fluttered and she looked into my eyes.


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