S3- Episode 38~ [The Beginning of The Crazy House]

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Dina's P.O.V

"I feel good, I think we should have a day out." Jessie said slapping her knees whilst she sat on the sofa. We were all sat down in Jessie's Lounge.

"I think we should." Mike said.

"Why don't we go to the beach?" I said giving a little grin.

"Oh come on, amusement parks are so much better." Dan said shaking his head.

"It's Valentines Day, Me and Dina should go somewhere and you and Jessie can go to an amusement park." Mike said pointing to Jessie.

"No, we are staying as a group today. I don't care if it's Valentines Day. We are going out together." Jessie said folding her arms.

"So why don't we go both places then?" I said. "We could go to the beach and then we could go to the amusement park."

The boys shrugged their shoulders.

"Yeah sounds good to me." Dan said.

We all agreed on going to both places. We all stood up and headed out.

"Make sure you put the stuff in the boot for the beach." Mike said.

"Yep. On it." We put all the equipment for the beach in the boot of the car.

We first went to the beach. We got in Mike's car and he drove. I sat at the front and Jessie and Dan sat at the back.

"This is crazy, we haven't been out for ages." Jessie said excitedly.

I chuckled. "I know."

We put some music on and we all sang together, well.. Jessie and I did.

🎶"You don't own me."🎶

"No." Mike said and he changed the song. We started laughing.

We got to the beach and walked down to the beautiful sand. I took my shoes off and buried my feet into the sand holding my shoes in one hand. The golden sand felt warm on my feet.

I felt like we were all children again. I made a sandcastle with Jessie, Mike and Dan kicked the beach ball about.

"I feel like kids." I laughed.

"It's nice to see Mike and Dan actually getting along now." I said.

"I know." Jessie smiled.
Jessie poured a bucket of water into the moat of the castle.

"I know. It's like old times." Jessie smiled. I put my shoes back on and we walked off the beach. We grabbed some ice cream. I like how we are all unique and got different flavours. Jessie got a lemon top. I got chocolate with sprinkles. Mike got mint and Dan got strawberry. We licked the ice cream.

"This is so nice." Jessie said rotating her cone and licking it. We had a good walk down the peer and I held Mike's hand. Jessie held Dan's hand and we stared at the seagulls.

After we had our time at the beach, we headed to the amusement park. It wasn't that far from the beach. When we got out, we saw multiple rides. We had to pay to go in. After we payed, we looked at all the rides. I'm going to be honest, I'm not a very big fan when it comes to rides.

"I want to go on the Velociraptor." Dan said as he pointed to a ride that was really high.

"No that is too scary." I said shaking my head.

"Come on Babe, we will all go on it together, I'll hold your hand." Mike said grabbing my hand. I stared at the ride and listened to all the people screaming as they rode down it.

I looked at his puppy dog eyes. I gulp. "Fine. Just for you."
I slowly followed the others to the ride and we joined the queue. I stared at the ride the whole time we waited.

"I'm excited." Jessie said. I was zoned out. I repeatedly watched the ride.

"Dina. It's going to be fine. You are going to be okay." Jessie said to me. Soon, we were on the ride. My anxiety was sky high. I gripped on to Mike's hand and shut my eyes. At the drops, my heart sank causing screams to escape my lips. I hate big drops.

We went on a few more rides and then we walked around. We played some games at the arcades but we didn't win anything.

"OMG look!" Jessie said stuffing her face with candy floss. With the other hand, she pointed.

We all turned around and saw a confusion house.

"We should all go in." Dan said pointing. The crazy house had 4 entrances. 4 doors used for both entrances and exits.

"I don't know." I said shaking my head.

Mike rolled his eyes at me. "Stop being boring. Let's go." Mike said pulling my hand. He dragged me along to the crazy house. Jessie and Dan followed behind.

We all walk to the confusion house and look at the board.

"Do we have to pay?" Jessie said.

"I'm pretty sure it's £2 per person." I said.

"Ah okay." Jessie said as she went into her purse and grabbed some money out.

"Put your purse away. I'll pay." Dan said.

"Aww." Jessie's heart filled with love. She leaned forward and kissed Dan.

We payed and all went and stood at different doors. We all looked at each other as we waited at the entrances. I smiled at Jessie and Mike. Suddenly, the worker said we were allowed to go in. All of us walked into the crazy house...

Author's P.O.V

2 Hours Later.....

Jessie runs to the claw machine and meets Dan who was also running out of the crazy house from a different entrance. Mike runs to meet them from a different direction.

"We need to get the fuck out of here." Jessie said panting.

"What about Dina? She's not here yet." Mike said pointing to the confusion house.

"We will just call her when we get back to my place. But right now, we need to get the fuck out of here!" Jessie said speaking really fast.

"It's not safe." Dan said shaking his head.

"It's not safe for Dina." Mike said.

"Mike come on."

Jessie and Dan shove Mike towards the car and go home. Mike feels guilty for leaving without Dina. Jessie texts Dina to tell her that they have gone home.
Dina doesn't reply....

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