S5- Episode 73~ [Double Break Up]

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Dina's P.O.V

"Jessie? Are you okay?" I said behind the bathroom door. Jessie locked herself in. I could hear some muffled sobs.

"Jessie. Come out."

"He told me to choose." Jessie sobbed. She sounded as if she was crying.

"Choose? Who? Dan?" I said.

"Yeah. He wants me to choose between Maya and him." I heard her say through the door.

"Open the door." I said. Jessie opened the door. Her eyes looked red and her cheeks were puffed up. She hugged me tightly. I pulled her away.

"How can you choose between your daughter?" I said. "Jessie. He is not worth it if he wants you to lose Maya just so he can be with you."

Jessie put her head down. "You are right. I shouldn't even think about it. The fact that he give me that choice shows that he's not the one." She said sullenly.

"What are you going to do?" I said rubbing her shoulder.

"I think we are over. We are not as perfect as you and Mike and we never will be."

"Jessie. I wouldn't hold your breath. After Bianca told me that she's moving in. Me and Mike will probably be over too."

"Don't say that." Jessie said.


Jessie's P.O.V

I knocked hesitantly on the door. Dan slowly opened the door peering his head out. As soon as he saw it was me, he fully opened the door. "So have you made a decision?" He said.

My face was neutral. "Yeah I have actually. I choose my daughter and if you think you come before her then I'm sorry." I was worried about what his response would be.


I furrowed my eyebrows. "So what now?" I said staring at him.

"I guess we should break up." Dan said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Are you kidding me." I said. "Just because of Maya."

"We can still be friends Jessie. We are just not together anymore." Dan stepped back and closed the door.

Even though he had been an idiot lately. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out, squished it and threw it on the floor and then stamped on it and then threw it in the bin. Okay maybe I was exaggerating but I had never felt a heart pain so badly before. I had a lump in my throat. I bit my lip and blinked my tears back. I ran back to my apartment.


Dina's P.O.V

"Hi. I'm back." Mike said entering the door. "I was thinking if you wanted to watch a movie tonight?"

I froze. I didn't know what to say or how to break it to Mike. "You can't."

He looked up and shot a perplexed look.

"It's Bianca. She's.... moving...... in." I said. I glared at him to watch his facial expression fall.

"What do you mean?" He said as if his heart dropped.

"You have to move out. I mean like now. She's coming. She needs my help." I said.

"So that's it. I get kicked out and Bianca moves in."

"You are not getting kicked out Mike. It's just temporary." I said trying to calm the situation.

"This is not about Bianca is it?" Mike said waving his hand about.

"What do you mean? Yeah it is."

"No it isn't. You have been awkward with me ever since Barcelona and now you have been waiting for the opportunity. Haven't you?" Mike said getting tense.

"No Mike. It's not like that. Seriously it isn't. I think the triplets are torturing Bianca and I need to keep her safe."

"She asked you before we went. You said no. Now that the truth has come out. You thought you would be happier taking the opportunity then having to put up with me." Mike said shaking his head.

"Mike. I'm not holding any grudges. Yeah I feel a bit hurt after what you told me but-"

"You are never going to get over this are you? I slept with her. I made a mistake and it's all over isn't it?"

"Don't do this Mike."

"It is isn't it?"


"I've ruined my own relationship and now you are kicking me out."

"Mike. You are completely twisting my words. I'm not angry with you."

"Fine. If you don't want to be with me. Then I'll guess I'll go."  Mike said grabbing his stuff.

"Mike. Wait. Are you breaking up with me?" I said.

"Dina. You are never going to really forgive me. What's the point? I realised that I was wrong. I went behind your back and slept with your enemy twice."

I remembered Bianca.

"Mike. The second time was not your fault. She drugged you. We all know what she did."

"I'll be back later to pick up the rest of my stuff. Goodbye Dina."

"Mike, please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry." His eyes began to tear up. He opened the door and slammed it shut.

"Mike." A tear rolled down my cheek and I fell to the sofa. I cupped my face with my palms and broke down. My broken sobs filled the silence of the room. I buried my head in my thighs as I let my emotions take control over me. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Maybe Mike had come back and he didn't want to break up after all. I got up off the sofa and wiped my tears. I ran to the door as fast as I could.

"I'm so sor- Bianca?"

Bianca stood at the door with her bags. Her expression dropped as she saw my face. "You don't look happy to see me. Have you been crying?"

"Bianca. I just broke up with Mike. I don't really want to speak with anyone right now. Can you please just find someone else to stay with?" I choked on my own words. I closed the door quickly before I bursted into tears again. I felt like a horrible person. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
Author's P.O.V

Jessie and Dina both sat on the floor in front of a door in their own apartment.

They both wiped their tears.

"I hate my life."
"I hate my life."


Season 5 is Complete Guys!!!
Don't worry Dan and Mike will be back.
Thank you for reading.
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