S5- Episode 68 ~ [The DNA Test]

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Jessie's P.O.V

"I don't believe this." I said staring at the sheet of paper with the DNA results on it.

Dan read the results. His eyes widened. "What the hell?"

The result was positive. It was a match. The DNA matched.
I stared at the sheet of paper and then glanced at the baby, then stared at the report again.

"Are you telling me that this baby is yours?" Dan said looking at the baby girl.

I sat down on the sofa clutched on to the piece of paper. "The baby is my daughter. But how? This cannot be. I'm not ready to have a child Dan."

"Neither am I."

"I have a daughter?" I said. I can't believe the baby was my daughter. "How?" I thought really hard. How could this have happened? My eyes began to tear up and sickly feeling fell to the pit of my stomach.

"Oh my god." I stood up immediately. My heart became swollen.

"To create my baby, she must have needed my eggs. The only way she could have taken my eggs was when.... when... I was in the mental hospital." I said.
"That evil bitch. How could she have done this to me?" I screamed.

"Jessie. Calm down." Dan said pulling my arm shaking me.

"How can I calm down? I don't know how she did it but she must have stolen my eggs when they injected me in the hospital and made me unconscious. They put my baby in some random person and gave birth to it. Then what? She just fucking leaves it at my front door. What was the point of that? If I wanted a baby, I could have gave birth to it myself. How could she do this to me?" I put my head in my palms and a tear fell out of my eye and sunk right into the carpet. I didn't know how to feel.

"She could have even possessed someone and gave birth to it herself. The evil cow."

Dan put his hands in his pockets. "I don't understand. Why would she want you to have a baby?"

I thought about it. "The only reason she would have wanted me to have a baby, is to harm it. We need to keep her safe." I said gazing at my daughter.

"Jessie. I'm not the dad. I don't really want to look after a child. I want to live my life." Dan rolled his eyes and walked away.

Dina's P.O.V

"I can't believe you brought me back after 2 days from Barcelona." Mike said holding his bags as we walked into the lobby.

"I'm just glad we got a ticket really fast." I said.

"I wished I stayed there longer. I was really looking forward to it." Mike mumbled.

"Quit complaining. You can always go to Alice's house if you want." I said dryly.

"Dina, please can we just drop it? It was a long time ago-"

"No I'm not just going to let it go Mike. It's the whole reason we've come back." I said glaring at Mike.

We silently walked up to our apartment until Bianca ran up to us. "Dina. I really need to talk to you." She said hastily.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I said. I wasn't really in a good mood.

"I don't feel safe at home. Can I please stay with you?" She said. I don't think she knows that Mike comes to sleep at my apartment.

"Erm. Bianca, I don't think that would be a good idea."
Bianca looked disheartened. I'm starting to think that our relationship was better when we were enemies. She has become so clingy and she used to hate me before I left dance.

"It's fine. I'll probably be okay on my own. You just don't know what's been going on in my house lately." She said glumly. She sauntered off out of the lobby.

My eyes followed her until she left. I suddenly thought about what was happening in her apartment. I turned my head back around and walked to the door.

We entered the apartment and put our suitcases down.

"Shall we go say hello to Jessie and Dan? They will be surprised to see us back so soon." I said washing my hands.

"They sure will." Mike said. "Are you going to tell them why we are back so early?" He muttered under his breath.

"The who Alice incident involving Jessie, that is not our place to say. We can't expose Jessie even if she did do it. We are her friends. However, I don't think it's my place to tell them what you did either, I think you should be the bigger person and tell them yourself. How Jessie chooses to treat you afterwards is her decision." I said grabbing my keys.

"You are right, I think I should tell them. Half of me will feel a lot better. Besides. As long as I have you, I'm not really bothered if they choose to not speak to me again." Mike said walking towards the door.

I opened the door. "Yes, Alice is evil but her baby didn't have to die. I just can't get it off my mind. If Jessie did something like that. Surely, she would have told me." I said as we walked out.

"I don't know, maybe she feels too guilty or maybe it didn't happen at all. Who can trust Alice?" Mike said. We walked to Jessie's apartment and knocked on the door.

Jessie took a while to open the door, she opened it with a red face.

"Dina! Mike! You guys are meant to be in Barcelona. What are you doing here?" Jessie said frustrated.

"Well hi to you too." I said.

"I'm sorry. Where's my manners? Come in. But before you do. Don't freak out." Jessie said holding one finger up.

"Why would we freak out?" I said.

We walked into the apartment and saw a little baby girl laying in Dan's arms.

"Erm. Jessie. Why is there a baby?"

"The baby is mine." Jessie said looking ashamed.


Maybe Jessie did do it......


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