S2- Episode 28~ [Sleeping With The Enemy]

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Up above is a video clip for the book that you can watch before reading the next chapter. It might confuse you a lot more.


Author's P.O.V

Jessie sips her tea on the sofa whilst she grabs her phone. Dan sits and watches the TV.

Dina flickers through her detective files. She speaks to Mike at work. She speaks to Mike and tells him that she needs to go the Dance Academy.

[Dance Academy]

Dina's P.O.V

"Yes, we need to work on the choreography." One of the girls said to me.

"Yeah. We will work on it later." I said scooping up my yogurt. The girls were all sat in the kitchen and eating.

Suddenly, Bianca walks in with Sierra. Everyone turns their head and quietens down.

"I think I've finished. I'll go to the dance studio." One of the girls said. The others got up and threw their packets in the bin and left. Everyone has kind of grown to like me a lot more because of the whole 'cut dress' and 'snitching' scenarios.

Sierra walked to the cupboard and got a breakfast bar out. "I'll meet you in the hall?" Sierra said waving her breakfast bar at Bianca.

"Sure." She said fixing her eyes on me.

I look up and continue to eat my yogurt.

Sierra leaves the kitchen and Bianca fills up the kettle and puts it on to boil.

"Hey." She said.

I furrow my eyebrows. Why is she saying hi to me?

"Hi?" I said.

It was silent for a couple of minutes. The water boiled and Bianca put the water in a cup.

"How's Mike?"

I freeze. I stop eating my yogurt and look up.


"How's Mike?" She said stirring the tea bag in her cup.

"How do you even know who Mike is?"

"Mike is your boyfriend isn't he?" She turned her head to the side with her back to me.

"Stay away from Mike. Just because you have rivalry with me doesn't mean you can drag Mike into this." I said jumping off the chair and grabbing my yogurt pot.

"I didn't like him anyway. He's crap." She smiled and took her tea out the kitchen.

I felt my heart sinking.


Alice's P.O.V

"Stupid cow." I said scribbling over the bitch's face with a pen.

Allie walks in and hovers over my shoulder.

"Alice, that's not okay!" She said snatching the book from me. "I know Jessie is not the most amazing person you have ever seen but you can't go on ruining all the albums."

"My revenge is not over." I say standing up. I turn to look at Allie.
"Isn't she close to Dan?" I say.

"Yeah but she doesn't see him that often." Allie says.

I smile. "They would if they lived together?"

"Dan's not going to agree to that." Allie said.

"Not if we helped..."


Dina's P.O.V

I stroll into Mike's apartment. I take my coat off and put it on the sofa.

"Hey. How was your day?" Mike said seeing me walk in.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I said.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"Nah. I'm fine."

He walked closer to me and cupped my face. He kissed my lips and stared at me. "Is there something wrong?"

I move away and sit on the sofa. "No, everything's fine."

"You seem off Dina. Don't lie to me." Mike said sitting next to me.

"Do you know Bianca?" I said turning my head towards him.

"Who?" He said quietly.

"Bianca, the girl who I always tell you about from the Dance Academy. The one who always tries to make my life miserable."

"Maybe." He said. An anxiety bubble formed in my heart.

"What do you mean maybe?" I said starting to shiver slightly.

"We sort of had a thing in the past." He said looking guilty.

I stopped for a second and it got awkward.

"You had a history with Bianca and you didn't even think to tell me?" I said getting heated up.

"It was nothing Dina. Don't worry about it." He said.

My eyes got watery.

"What happened between you two?" I said.

Mike just stared at me. He leaned back on the sofa and covered his face with his hands.

"Did you two?"

He didn't say anything. I understood.

"You both did, didn't you?"

Mike removed his hands and looked at me. "It was once and it meant nothing."

"Meant nothing?" I said getting worked up.

"I was a mess Dina. I had just broke up with Jessie and I went to the bar. I can't even remember it happening." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Was this after you and I got together or before?" I said.

"Obviously before. I wouldn't cheat on you Dina." He said.

"So I was just like a rebound then?" I said feeling quite hurt.

"Dina, I really really like you. You weren't a rebound at all." He said putting his arm around me.

He lightly kissed my head.

"How did it happen?" I muttered.

"Well, I went to the club and I met her and I can't remember anything after that. I woke up in bed with her and we were still at the club." He said.

"Still at the club?" I said.


The next day.....

"Hi." I said to the worker at the bar. The same worker that was here when Mike and I came to fetch the CCTV footage of Jessie.

"Oh great. It's you again." She said sarcastically.

"Let me guess.. you are after CCTV footage again?"

"Oh my gosh, how did you know?" I said in a exaggerated voice.

I pull out my badge. "I need to pull up some CCTV footage again. May I?" I said already knowing their rules.

"Yeah. The tapes are in the cupboard." The woman said. As I walk passed her I muttered. "I think you need to increase the security and safety of this club, don't you think?"

I search through all the tapes at the back to find the right one. Mike told me the date and time but I didn't tell him I was going to be searching for the tape. Suddenly a tape fell on to the floor. I picked up the tape and looked at the date.

"Found it."

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