To Some of Us

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To those of us

Who suffer from




Be sure to remember in your darkest times that,

No matter your race,gender,or sexuality,



God has created someone special,

Someone to love you and

Cherish every inch of your body and soul.

He made someone to adore you and to heal each crack in your soul,

Each crack social pressure has caused you.

Take comfort in knowing that there is someone

Who is waiting for you

And you alone.

They're waiting to take you in,

Pull you close,

And kiss every scar that marrs your skin.

They're waiting to comfort you when you break,

To soothe you when you're hurt.

They're waiting for you to let them into your life,

For you to find them.

And once you do,

Once you find the one who is the missing half of your soul,

It'll be over.

The sorrow,

The hurt,

The hate.

It'll disappear when you find them,

Because they will banish all the demons.

The nightmares will fade when you realise that

Everytime you wake up,




They'll be there to comfort you,

To make the things that kill your hope disappear.

They'll be there to be the one that will make life seem brighter,

And your tomorrow kinder and happier.

They're the one who can make you forget every bad thing that's happened to you.

Anorexia will be fixed,

Insomnia will be nothing,

Depression won't be a problem anymore,

Self-harm won't be an escape,

Self-loathing can't be possible,because your significant other,

Your special person,

The one who makes up your life

Will highlight every good thing about you,

And won't allow you to see anything bad about yourself.


Just because life seems hard for us now,

Doesn't mean it will continue to be horrible.

Life will turn for the better,

But you need to remember that.

If you let yourself fall through the cracks,

You close yourself off to the world,

And that special person

Won't be able to find you,

And heal you.

So please,

Let's put down our blades,

And put away the painkillers.

We'll take some time to open our eyes

And find our bearings.

Find someone who means the most to you,

And spend some time with them.


Take some time to see who would miss you

If you left.

Sometimes,that's all it takes for you to get back on your feet.



Which hurts more?

Knowing how much the people closest to you would grieve and mourn if you left


Knowing that if you left,your significant other will lose their special person,and may as well roam this world alone.

I hope you've read this thoroughly,because I'm pouring my heart and soul into this. I'm tired and hungry and extremely upset,so I decided to take my emotions out on Wattpad.

I'm sorry,but not really,because I hope this does some good.

Hugs to those who desperately need it,and kisses to the ones who desperately need it,


"Life is more like a feather than anything. Such a fragile thing,floating on the wind we know as existence,accompanied by fellow feathers of human life. That wind of existence blows over the lands we know as Earth and the Universe. We never really realise how precious our feather is,not until we lost it,or witness someone else's loss. We take our...little feather...for granted. We are so a...our split second that we realise how precious life is,how dear and close we should be holding our small,fragile,never insignificate feather,and how easy it would be for the feather to drift out of our grasp. After all,a bird doesn't think much of its feathers until they're in a way,we,as humans,are all birds."

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