He's a Beacon to Help Them on Their Way,But His Own Light Is Dimming (DAllistor)

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Troy being a completely dickhead sadistic bastard!


SeaChaos and MaskedMexican mentions!

Have fun~

EDIT:: Oh My God I've finished. I lost six pages,and I unfortunately could not get them all back. So I condensed and then added,so that may be way it took a slightly different turn. Sorry if it comes off as weird,there's a lot of things from broken ideas,deleted drafts,and talks with Sielu_Soulclan. Troy Pearce belongs completely to Sielu_Soulclan,and so does Ryan Patterson :D  Enjoy!

EDIT #2:: I also forgot to mention that the title doesn't exactly relate

Daniel groaned,lifting his head up to look blearily around at his surroundings. He blinked rapidly against the harsh ceiling light,an unfamiliar,sickly yellow glare attacking his drowsy pupils. He makes to prop himself up on his elbows,but finds that his wrists are bound tightly with wire and tied against something cold and steel. Brow furrowing,the Irishman tugged at the wire,only to recoil and mewl piteously in pain as sharp edges dug into his over-sensitive flesh. Barbed wire,is the first thing that comes to mind,and he tries to flatten himself against the cold surface he's laying on,trying to escape the painful teeth. He attempts to wriggle his ankles to see if they are bound as well,and to his fright,they are. He shifts,squirming around to somewhat prop himself up and look around the..room?

He's laying on what could be easily mistaken as a hospital bed,but less complex. The barbed wire is fastened to the "posts" and is securely holding him down,unfortunately. Cabinets of all the relatively same size line the walls,and a sink is tucked into the corner opposite the bed. There's a small desk against the wall to the right of the bed,with bottles of multiple different labels cluttering its surface haphazardly. The linoleum tile floor was cracked severely,and a seemingly permanent layer of dust coated almost everything. It was deathly cold in the small room,as well,and Daniel's breath billowed out in white clouds.

The Irishman's gaze slid across a scalpel that rested on the sink's counter,the blade glimmering in the wan light vicariously. Daniel's heart pounded fearfully as his stomach writhed as nervously as his thoughts,which were thrashing around and screaming in their bonds. But alas,any movement to escape only drove the barbed teeth further into his aching wrists. As he lay on the cold bed covering,he slowly became numb to the pain from the wire. His senses became more acute,but his thoughts slowed considerably,fading into a dull ringing that usually accompanied a bad hangover. The Irishman had also become painfully aware of pain in his arms,along with on his thighs,feeling as though his skin had been slit open.

It seemed like a millennium had passed when Daniel heard the noise. Hell,it may have only been a few seconds,minutes,hours. Or maybe days,weeks,months,he wasn't sure. But it nearly made him jump against his barbed bonds when the sound of doors slamming open then shut echoed in the distance. He was eager for a split second,opening his mouth to shout for help before pausing and shrinking back from the wires around his wrists. He wilfed,flattening against the bed as numb pain lanced up his arms. Blood had started to drip down his arms and pooled underneath his abused wrists on the old bed covering.

Suddenly,footsteps breached the dead silence,approaching the room Daniel was imprisoned to at a leisurely pace. Daniel froze,again shrinking back against the bed,terror gripping him and sinking its icy fangs into his heart,its chilled fingertips stroking his thoughts into rearing stallions that shrieked in fear. His jaw clenched to keep his teeth from chattering,and his eyes screwed tightly shut,his breath catching once before he held it to drown in the silence.

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