Pillows and Blankets (TehChaos)

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Welllll,Here's something for ladycobra,and everyone else who needed an outlet after the TehChaos version of messages.


The voice came from the living room,and Anthony looked up from his computer,


He calls back,only to get a frantic response,

"Come here!"

Fear suddenly welled up in his chest as he stood up quickly,nearly running out of his room and into the living room. He had barely set foot in the room,however,when something fluffy but solid connected with his face,the force sending him reeling backwards with a loud yelp.


Came John's triumphant voice,and Anthony realised that he was wielding a big pillow,one of the ones that used to reside on the couch.

"Oh you bastard,"

Anthony growled,and lunged at John,tackling him to the carpeted ground. John yelped,the pillow knocked aside as his wrists were pinned above his head. He squirmed in Anthony's grasp,but the Italian wasn't having it. He leaned down and kissed John,stopping the feeble mewls and profanities directed at him.

They broke for air after the kiss got heated,smirking at each other. Then Anthony looked up to see that John had turned the whole living room into a palace of blankets and pillows. Blinking,he sat up,releasing the male beneath him. There were blankets attached to the ceiling light and fan,acting almost like a tent roof,and blankets covered the windows,making the room seem dimmer than it should. Pillows littered the floor,as did blankets and smaller pillows.

"When did you do this?"

"When you started editing,"

John chirped,

"I had trouble moving the couch so I could pull some chairs in,but it's good. And I think I damaged the fan light when I tied a blanket around it."

Anthony sighs,shaking his head,

"Smarty,you idiot."

John only hummed in reply,scrambling out from under Anthony to scamper over to a tall pile of blankets and pillows. He glanced at Anthony with a grin,before burrowing into the pile,disappearing completely. Confused,Anthony wandered over,and circled the pile with an eyebrow raised.


He asked,a bit of concern edging his tone like a knife,



John's voice responds from the depths of the pile,and Anthony thinks he sees the glint of the black-haired male's eyes in the darkness inside.

"How did you..?"

Anthony trails off,and John giggles,

"It's bigger on the inside."

"Is that some sort of enchantment?"

Anthony asked,wrinkling his nose,before creeping a bit closer. John only giggled again,tempting Anthony closer. Suddenly,John grabbed his arm and pulled him into the pile,knocking a few pillows askew. Anthony yelped,and was flattened by John and the pillows and blankets that avalanched over them.

"S..marty! I'm suffocating!"

"No you're not,"

John giggles,voice muffled by a pillow that was smushing his face. Anthony huffed,and attempted to army crawl his way out from underneath the now destroyed pillow. John had wrapped his arms around the Italian's torso,and let himself be pulled out a little bit,before letting go. He rolled to one side,only succeeding in tangling himself up in a blanket. Huffing,John inched his way out from under the pillows,caccooned in the blanket like a caterpillar. Anthony burst out laughing when he saw John inching along on the floor,disgruntledly trying to untangle himself. John glared at him,trying to sit up,but failing.

"Fuck you,"

John mutters,giving in and laying down,encased in the fluffy,cream coloured blanket.

"Maybe later,tiger,"

Anthony teases,before taking a blanket and wrapping himself up in it,laying down next to John. John blushed,and rolled closer to Anthony,pecking his cheek affectionately.

"I love you,"

Anthony murmurs as they settle down,amidst multiple pillows and blankets.

"I love you too,"

John smiles,cuddling a bit closer to his Italian.

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