Hangovers Suck,But The Morning After is Worth the Pain (OhmLiveToan)

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Sorry,whoever asked for the smut,but it'll take a bit,since it's new to my writing style.

Morning light filtered in through a window,slinking past a half drawn curtain. Soft golden rays fell upon the tousled sheets and entangled bodies as the clock dutifully read 7:00 AM. The Brit was the first to rouse himself from sleep,drowsily blinking against the light as he swept black locks out of his face,instinctively drawing the blankets closer around him. His head throbbed painfully,dark splotches mottling his vision as he glanced around at the other two males fast asleep. One had mussed up,raven black hair that was sticking to his forehead with sweat,sticking up in odd angles at the back,a result from the multiple fingers tangling in the dark locks and pulling his head back. The other had short-cut brown hair with a bit of stubble decorating his jawbone and chin. His mouth was slightly open as he slept,and the Brit couldn't help but smile as he pried the brown-haired male's arms from his waist.

The male slipped out from under the blankets reluctantly,hurriedly pulling his boxers and previously discarded shirt on,shivering in the chill morning air. He yawned,and nearly pitched forward as he stumbled out of the room,groaning in pain as his head pounded in protest. The British male Has anyone gotten tired of me calling Entoan a Brit? 'Cause that's how I'll be referring to him for a long,long time. walked through the hallway,making his way into the kitchen sleepily,rubbing the sleep out of his brown eyes. He drew in a sharp breath when his bare feet hit the tile floor,but proceeded to search out the usual hangover cure.

Five minutes later,he sat at the dining table with a mug of coffee,legs swinging back and forth aimlessly. He tenderly took a drink from his cup,biting back a curse as the hot liquid burned what felt like a layer of skin off the roof of his mouth and his tongue. He set the cup back down,rubbing his temples self-consciously,his brain throbbing dully as if to damn him for doing this again. He looked up as the sound of shuffling reached his ears,and saw the other black-haired male,who was a bit taller than him,and almost skinnier.

"Good morning,"

He said,and the male diverted directions to plop down in the seat across from the British male,stifling a yawn as he mumbled a slightly coherent 'Mornin'. His grey shirt looked rumpled,and he had pulled on his pair of boxers backwards without realising it. His hair was also slicked back carelessly by running his fingers through it,seeing as how a few black as night strands brushed across his forehead.

"Want some coffee?"

The Brit asked,and the other nods,before leaning back in his chair to groan,

"Ugh...fuck,my head hurts."

"So does mine,"

The other chuckles,only to get an electric blue gaze pierce him as he got up to get the American a mug. Few minutes later,the Brit placed the ceramic mug in front of the other male,along with two round pills to help the headache. The taller smiles faintly,leaning up to kiss the British male gently. They stayed connected for a few moments before breaking away,the blue-eyed male smirking,

"You might wanna wake DLi' now,or else he'll never wake up."

"Rodger,Capt'n Wrecker."

"Now,go soldier,"

The American chuckles as the shorter saluted before walking back to the bedroom,knowing full well he might have to drag the remaining male out of bed. The Brit entered the room,and,upon seeing the fast asleep male,came up with a way to wake him up. He crept over to the sleeping male's side,leaned down and hissed in his ear,

"DLive,they're in danger."

This had an instantaneous effect,and the brown-haired male nearly jumped out of bed,which was only half-effective. The blankets had encased everything from his waist down,causing the male to tumble out of bed looking like a half-evolved caterpillar. The Brit peered down at him with an amused smirk as the male groaned in pain,lying on the cool wood floor,cheek pressed against the chilled surface.

"What happened?"

The American asks,entering the room with his coffee mug in hand,staring at the fallen male with a concerned blue gaze.

"I woke him up,"

The Brit chimed,receiving a loud protest,

"You gave me a heart attack,you dick!"

The American laughed from the doorway,taking a drink out of his mug before saying,

"Come on,get off the floor and get some clothes on DLive,and then you can have some coffee with us."

DLive grunted in response,pushing himself off the floor,swiftly pulling on his boxers and shirt after deserting the blankets on the wooden floor. The British male bounced happily over to him once he was clothed,pecking him on the lips affectionately. DLive smiled,and they followed the tallest one to the kitchen,where the brown-eyed male proceeded to get a cup of coffee and medicine for the newly awoken male.

"Morning to you,too,grumpy,"

The blue-eyed male comments as DLive sits between him and where the Brit sat,earning an emerald glare,much to his amusement.

"Morning Ohmie,"

DLive retorts,using his nickname in a sickly sweet tone,causing Ohm to roll his eyes.

"How long did you plan on sleeping?"

Ohm asked,taking another drink of his coffee,the soothingly warm liquid making his head stop pounding for a few moments. DLive shrugged,and the American pokes him with his foot under the table playfully,

"Good thing I sent Gunner in to wake you,or else you would've slept alllllll day."

"Shut up,"

DLive mutters,aiming a kick at Ohm's shin,but missed and ended up hitting the table leg,causing pain to lance up his leg. His eyes watered in pain as he glared at the American,who was laughing,having heard the dull thud. Gunner sets a mug of coffee down in front of DLive,along with the now familiar pills to help dull the headache. DLive smiles graciously at the Brit,who leans over to kiss his forehead. Ohm makes small whining noise,

"Do I get a kiss?"

"You already got one,"

Gunner laughed,but leaned over to kiss his cheek nonetheless. They smile all together,and Gunner returns to his seat,and they spend the morning talking and laughing,and drinking loads more coffee. This is how they lived,how they survived together,how they spend their enternity in each other's presence. And this is just how it's been and always will be,and this is just how they like it.

After all,they've stayed strong this long,and things are going great. The fans don't know,and don't need to. Only a few others know,and they're perfectly fine with it. All is perfect,right? Right.

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